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70540 Perfect DNA™ Markers, 0.05-10 kbp - Novagen

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich



Numero di catalogoConfezionamento Qtà/conf
70540-3 Fiala di plastica 100 lane
OverviewThe Perfect DNA™ Markers contain sets of DNA species having convenient, easy-to-remember sizes for agarose gel analysis. The markers have uniform band intensities except for the easily identifiable reference bands, which are useful for instant band identification. An extra vial of 6X DNA Gel Loading Buffer is included.

  • Available in three size ranges:
    • 0.05–10 kbp
    • 0.1–12 kbp
    • 0.5–12 kbp
Catalogue Number70540
Brand Family Novagen®
Product Information
Quality LevelMQ100
Storage and Shipping Information
Ship Code Shipped with Blue Ice or with Dry Ice
Toxicity Standard Handling
Storage +2°C to +8°C
Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
Do not freeze Ok to freeze
Global Trade Item Number
Numero di catalogo GTIN
70540-3 04055977273649