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AP2004200 Filtri in fibra di vetro con legante, AP20, 42 mm

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Replacement Information
Numero di catalogoAP2004200
DescrizioneFiltri in fibra di vetro con legante, AP20, 42 mm
Informazioni di baseOverview
Millipore fibrous disc filters are available in a wide range of flow rates and throughput capacities. Our Glass Fiber filters are available with or without binder resins and can be sterilized by EO, gamma, or autoclave (121 °C at 1 bar).

Glass Fiber Filters with Binder Resin:
Millipore filters with binder resin have superior wet strength and are excellent for qualitative analysis and prefiltration, especially for heavily contaminated liquids. They are also widely used for clarification of aqueous solutions.

Type AP15
•Lowest dirt-holding capacity
•Recommended prefilter for 0.2 to 0.6 µm filters

Type AP20
•Lower retention, higher dirt-holding capacity than AP15 filters
•Recommended prefilter for 0.8 to 8.0 µm filters
•Use upstream to protect type AP15 filters

Type AP25
•Added thickness yields same retention and greater dirt-holding capacity as AP20
•Recommended prefilter for 0.9 to 8 µm filters, especially for proteinaceous and heavily contaminated liquids
•Use upstream to protect type AP15 filters

Glass Fiber Filters without Binder Resin:
The filters without binder resin retain their structural integrity without weight loss when heated up to 500 °C and can therefore be used in gravimetric analysis as well as for the filtration of hot gases.

•Retains fine particles with good efficiency, even at high flow rates
•Recommended for monitoring wastewater and collecting suspended particles in gases (e.g., fumes from chimneys)
•Use in biochemical applications (e.g., collection of cells and filtration of protein or nucleic acid precipitates)

•Higher mechanical strength when wet and greater loading capacity than type APFA filters
•Use for liquid clarification, quantification of solids in suspensions of fine particles, and scintillation counting

•Greater retention, especially for fine particulate and microorganism removal than type APFA filters
•Use for determining total suspended solids in drinking water
•Use for filtering proteins or nucleic acid TCA precipitates and for collecting cells and microorganisms

•Thick filter with high flow and low retention
•Use for clarifying suspensions containing particulates greater than 1.0 µm

•Use for filtering extremely fine precipitates such as protein, nucleic acids, or serum precipitates
•Recommended for USEPA method 1311 for TCLP analysis

Type AP40
•Recommended for Standard Methods Total Suspended Solids 2540D
•Recommended for USEPA method 1311 for TCLP analysis
•Maintains structural integrity without weight loss when ignited to 550 °C (1022 °F) after sample filtration
•Recommended for determining volatile suspended matter in wastewater and industrial effluents
Riferimenti bibliografici
Informazioni sul prodotto
Codice del filtroAP20
Colore del filtroBianco
Temperatura d'esercizio massima100 °C
Tipo di filtroFiltro di profondità
Applicazione2.0 um pore size, hydrophilic glass fiber with binder resin, 42 mm diameter
Informazioni biologiche
Informazioni chimico-fisiche
Dimensioni dei pori2.0 µm
Porosità %90%
Portata d'acqua
  • 1.3 mL/min x cm²
Superficie del filtroPiana
Spessore380 µm
Diametro del filtro (⌀)42 mm
Informazioni sui materiali
  • Fibre di vetro con legante
Informazioni tossicologiche
Informazioni sulla sicurezza secondo il GHS
Informazioni per la sicurezza
Indicazioni sull'impiego del prodotto
Informazioni per lo stoccaggio e la spedizione
Informazioni sul confezionamento
Informazioni per il trasporto
Informazioni supplementari
Global Trade Item Number
Numero di catalogo GTIN
AP2004200 04053252624421