Detection of sub-picogram quantities of specific DNA sequences on blot hybridization with biotinylated probes. Chan, V T, et al. Nucleic Acids Res., 13: 8083-91 (1985)
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A sensitive method for detecting biotinylated DNA probes on dot and Southern blots is described which is based on the principle outlined by Leary et al (1). This system has two main components: detection of biotinylated DNA by a two-step procedure with streptavidin and poly(alkaline phosphatase); and blocking background with Tween 20. 32fg and 80fg of lambda phage DNA was detected on dot and Southern blot hybridizations respectively. 150fg of beta-globin was detected on Southern blots of genomic DNA. This method is fast, reproducible and can detect single copy genes in 0.25 micrograms genomic DNA on Southern blots. | 2933635
Rapid and sensitive colorimetric method for visualizing biotin-labeled DNA probes hybridized to DNA or RNA immobilized on nitrocellulose: Bio-blots. Leary, J J, et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 80: 4045-9 (1983)
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Biotin-labelled DNA probes, prepared by nick-translation in the presence of biotinylated analogs of TTP, are hybridized to DNA or RNA immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. After removal of residual probe, the filters are incubated for 2--5 min with a preformed complex made with avidin-DH (or streptavidin) and biotinylated polymers of intestinal alkaline phosphatase. The filters are then incubated with a mixture of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate and nitro blue tetrazolium, which results in the deposition of a purple precipitate at the sites of hybridization. This procedure will detect target sequences in the 1- to 10-pg range after enzyme incubation periods of 1 hr or less. The incubation period can be extended up to 24 hr, if required, to increase the color intensity of the hybridization signal. Furthermore, at high probe concentrations (250--7560 ng/ml), biotin-labeled DNA exhibits lower nonspecific binding to nitrocellulose than does radiolabeled DNA, so hybridization times required for the analysis of unique mammalian gene sequences can be decreased to 1--2 hr. This nonradiographic method of probe detection should be of general utility for genetic studies using Southern, RNA, or dot-blot hybridization protocols. | 6191328