Polarized deposition of basement membrane proteins depends on Phosphatidylinositol synthase and the levels of Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. Devergne, O; Tsung, K; Barcelo, G; Schüpbach, T Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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The basement membrane (BM), a specialized sheet of the extracellular matrix contacting the basal side of epithelial tissues, plays an important role in the control of the polarized structure of epithelial cells. However, little is known about how BM proteins themselves achieve a polarized distribution. Here, we identify phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) as a critical regulator of the polarized secretion of BM proteins. A decrease of PIP2 levels, in particular through mutations in Phosphatidylinositol synthase (Pis) and other members of the phosphoinositide pathway, leads to the aberrant accumulation of BM components at the apical side of the cell without primarily affecting the distribution of apical and basolateral polarity proteins. In addition, PIP2 controls the apical and lateral localization of Crag (Calmodulin-binding protein related to a Rab3 GDP/GTP exchange protein), a factor specifically required to prevent aberrant apical secretion of BM. We propose that PIP2, through the control of Crag's subcellular localization, restricts the secretion of BM proteins to the basal side. | 24828534
A genetic and computational approach to structurally classify neuronal types. Sümbül, U; Song, S; McCulloch, K; Becker, M; Lin, B; Sanes, JR; Masland, RH; Seung, HS Nature communications
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The importance of cell types in understanding brain function is widely appreciated but only a tiny fraction of neuronal diversity has been catalogued. Here we exploit recent progress in genetic definition of cell types in an objective structural approach to neuronal classification. The approach is based on highly accurate quantification of dendritic arbor position relative to neurites of other cells. We test the method on a population of 363 mouse retinal ganglion cells. For each cell, we determine the spatial distribution of the dendritic arbors, or arbor density, with reference to arbors of an abundant, well-defined interneuronal type. The arbor densities are sorted into a number of clusters that is set by comparison with several molecularly defined cell types. The algorithm reproduces the genetic classes that are pure types, and detects six newly clustered cell types that await genetic definition. | 24662602
Adult ciliary epithelial stem cells generate functional neurons and differentiate into both early and late born retinal neurons under non-cell autonomous influences. Del Debbio, CB; Peng, X; Xiong, H; Ahmad, I BMC neuroscience
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The neural stem cells discovered in the adult ciliary epithelium (CE) in higher vertebrates have emerged as an accessible source of retinal progenitors; these cells can self-renew and possess retinal potential. However, recent studies have cast doubt as to whether these cells could generate functional neurons and differentiate along the retinal lineage. Here, we have systematically examined the pan neural and retinal potential of CE stem cells.Molecular and cellular analysis was carried out to examine the plasticity of CE stem cells, obtained from mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the influence of the promoter of the rod photoreceptor-specific gene, Nrl, using the neurospheres assay. Differentiation was induced by specific culture conditions and evaluated by both transcripts and protein levels of lineage-specific regulators and markers. Temporal pattern of their levels were examined to determine the expression of genes and proteins underlying the regulatory hierarchy of cells specific differentiation in vitro. Functional attributes of differentiation were examined by the presence of current profiles and pharmacological mobilization of intracellular calcium using whole cell recordings and Fura-based calcium imaging, respectively. We demonstrate that stem cells in adult CE not only have the capacity to generate functional neurons, acquiring the expression of sodium and potassium channels, but also respond to specific cues in culture and preferentially differentiate along the lineages of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and rod photoreceptors, the early and late born retinal neurons, respectively. The retinal differentiation of CE stem cells was characterized by the temporal acquisition of the expression of the regulators of RGCs and rod photoreceptors, followed by the display of cell type-specific mature markers and mobilization of intracellular calcium.Our study demonstrates the bonafide retinal potential of adult CE stem cells and suggests that their plasticity could be harnessed for clinical purposes once barriers associated with any lineage conversion, i.e., low efficiency and fidelity is overcome through the identification of conducive culture conditions. | 24148749
PakB binds to the SH3 domain of Dictyostelium Abp1 and regulates its effects on cell polarity and early development. Yang, Y; de la Roche, M; Crawley, SW; Li, Z; Furmaniak-Kazmierczak, E; Côté, GP Molecular biology of the cell
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Dictyostelium p21-activated kinase B (PakB) phosphorylates and activates class I myosins. PakB colocalizes with myosin I to actin-rich regions of the cell, including macropinocytic and phagocytic cups and the leading edge of migrating cells. Here we show that residues 1-180 mediate the cellular localization of PakB. Yeast two-hybrid and pull-down experiments identify two proline-rich motifs in PakB-1-180 that directly interact with the SH3 domain of Dictyostelium actin-binding protein 1 (dAbp1). dAbp1 colocalizes with PakB to actin-rich regions in the cell. The loss of dAbp1 does not affect the cellular distribution of PakB, whereas the loss of PakB causes dAbp1 to adopt a diffuse cytosolic distribution. Cosedimentation studies show that the N-terminal region of PakB (residues 1-70) binds directly to actin filaments, whereas dAbp1 exhibits only a low affinity for filamentous actin. PakB-1-180 significantly enhances the binding of dAbp1 to actin filaments. When overexpressed in PakB-null cells, dAbp1 completely blocks early development at the aggregation stage, prevents cell polarization, and significantly reduces chemotaxis rates. The inhibitory effects are abrogated by the introduction of a function-blocking mutation into the dAbp1 SH3 domain. We conclude that PakB plays a critical role in regulating the cellular functions of dAbp1, which are mediated largely by its SH3 domain. | 23699396
Molecular and functional interaction between protocadherin-γC5 and GABAA receptors. Li, Y; Xiao, H; Chiou, TT; Jin, H; Bonhomme, B; Miralles, CP; Pinal, N; Ali, R; Chen, WV; Maniatis, T; De Blas, AL The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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We have found that the γ2 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor (γ2-GABA(A)R) specifically interacts with protocadherin-γC5 (Pcdh-γC5) in the rat brain. The interaction occurs between the large intracellular loop of the γ2-GABA(A)R and the cytoplasmic domain of Pcdh-γC5. In brain extracts, Pcdh-γC5 coimmunoprecipitates with GABA(A)Rs. In cotransfected HEK293 cells, Pcdh-γC5 promotes the transfer of γ2-GABA(A)R to the cell surface. We have previously shown that, in cultured hippocampal neurons, endogenous Pcdh-γC5 forms clusters, some of which associate with GABAergic synapses. Overexpression of Pcdh-γC5 in hippocampal neurons increases the density of γ2-GABA(A)R clusters but has no significant effect on the number of GABAergic contacts that these neurons receive, indicating that Pcdh-γC5 is not synaptogenic. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of Pcdh-γC5 enhanced its surface expression but decreased the association with both γ2-GABA(A)R clusters and presynaptic GABAergic contacts. Cultured hippocampal neurons from the Pcdh-γ triple C-type isoform knock-out (TCKO) mouse (Pcdhg(tcko/tcko)) showed plenty of GABAergic synaptic contacts, although their density was reduced compared with sister cultures from wild-type and heterozygous mice. Knocking down Pcdh-γC5 expression with shRNA decreased γ2-GABA(A)R cluster density and GABAergic innervation. The results indicate that, although Pcdh-γC5 is not essential for GABAergic synapse formation or GABA(A)R clustering, (1) Pcdh-γC5 regulates the surface expression of GABA(A)Rs via cis-cytoplasmic interaction with γ2-GABA(A)R, and (2) Pcdh-γC5 plays a role in the stabilization and maintenance of some GABAergic synapses. | 22915120
Direction-selective retinal ganglion cells arise from molecularly specified multipotential progenitors. De la Huerta, I; Kim, IJ; Voinescu, PE; Sanes, JR Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Single progenitors can give rise to any and all of the main retinal cell types: photoreceptors, interneurons (horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells), retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), and glia. Many of these types are divisible into multiple functionally, structurally, and molecularly distinct subtypes (e.g., ~25 for RGCs). It remains unknown when and how progenitors become committed to generate such subtypes. Here, we determine the origin of RGCs that respond selectively to vertical motion and express cadherin 6 (cdh6). Using Cre recombinase-based lineage tracing, we show that these RGCs arise from progenitors that themselves express cdh6. These progenitors are capable of generating all major retinal cell types, but the RGCs they generate are predominantly of the single direction-selective subtype. In contrast, cdh6-positive progenitors retain the ability to generate multiple subtypes of amacrine and bipolar cells. Our results demonstrate that type and subtype specification are regulated in different ways and suggest that multipotential but fate-restricted progenitors contribute to subtype specification in retina. | 23045641
Cocaine-induced plasticity in the nucleus accumbens is cell specific and develops without prolonged withdrawal. Dobi, A; Seabold, GK; Christensen, CH; Bock, R; Alvarez, VA The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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Cocaine induces plasticity at glutamatergic synapses in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Withdrawal was suggested to play an important role in the development of this plasticity by studies showing that some changes only appear several weeks after the final cocaine exposure. In this study, the requirement for prolonged withdrawal was evaluated by comparing the changes in glutamatergic transmission induced by two different noncontingent cocaine treatments: a short treatment followed by prolonged withdrawal, and a longer treatment without prolonged withdrawal. Recordings were performed from mouse medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the NAc at the same time after the first cocaine injection under both treatments. A similar increase in the frequency of glutamate-mediated miniature EPSCs was observed in D(1)-expressing MSNs after both cocaine treatments, demonstrating that prolonged withdrawal was not required. Furthermore, larger AMPA receptor-to-NMDA receptor ratios, higher spine density, and enlarged spine heads were observed in the absence of withdrawal after a long cocaine treatment. These synaptic adaptations expressed in D(1)-containing MSNs of the NAc core were not further enhanced by protracted withdrawal. In conclusion, a few repeated cocaine injections are enough to trigger adaptations at glutamatergic synapses in D(1)-expressing MSNs, which, although they take time to develop, do not require prolonged cocaine withdrawal. Testo completo dell'articolo | 21289199
The Bicoid gradient is shaped independently of nuclei. Grimm, O; Wieschaus, E Development (Cambridge, England)
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Morphogen gradients provide embryos with positional information, yet how they form is not understood. Binding of the morphogen to receptors could affect the formation of the morphogen gradient, in particular if the number of morphogen binding sites changes with time. For morphogens that function as transcription factors, the final distribution can be heavily influenced by the number of nuclear binding sites. Here, we have addressed the role of the increasing number of nuclei during the formation of the Bicoid gradient in embryos of Drosophila melanogaster. Deletion of a short stretch of sequence in Bicoid impairs its nuclear accumulation. This effect is due to a approximately 4-fold decrease in nuclear import rate and a approximately 2-fold reduction in nuclear residence time compared with the wild-type protein. Surprisingly, the shape of the resulting anterior-posterior gradient as well as the centre-surface distribution are indistinguishable from those of the normal gradient. This suggests that nuclei do not shape the Bicoid gradient but instead function solely during its interpretation. | 20699297
Flotillin-1 mediates neurite branching induced by synaptic adhesion-like molecule 4 in hippocampal neurons. Swanwick CC, Shapiro ME, Vicini S, Wenthold RJ Mol Cell Neurosci
213-25. Epub 2010 Jun 25.
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Proper development of neurons in the hippocampus is essential for learning and memory. Our laboratory previously discovered a family of synaptic adhesion-like molecules (SALMs) which induce neurite outgrowth in this brain region (Wang et al., 2006). Here we establish flotillin-1 (flot-1) as a molecular mediator of neurite branching for SALM4. Knockdown of flot-1 alone in cultured hippocampal neurons using siRNA from 3-7days in vitro (DIV) impaired neurite branching, whereas overexpression of flot-1 during the same time period increased the number of processes and branching. We show that induction of neurite outgrowth by flot-1 depends on amino acids 134-151 as well as lipid raft microdomains, SoHo proteins to regulate the actin cytoskeleton, and the exocyst complex to deliver new membrane proteins to growing neurites. When each of SALMs 1-5 was overexpressed, siRNA knockdown of flot-1 prevented neurite branching by SALM4. Overall, our data reveal a flot-1 signaling pathway for hippocampal neurite branching that is regulated by SALM4. | 20600927
Phenotypic diversity and expression of GABAergic inhibitory interneurons during postnatal development in lumbar spinal cord of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67-green fluorescent protein mice. Dougherty, KJ; Sawchuk, MA; Hochman, S Neuroscience
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The synthesis enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65 or GAD67) identifies neurons as GABAergic. Recent studies have characterized the physiological properties of spinal cord GABAergic interneurons using lines of GAD67-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice. A more complete characterization of their phenotype is required to better understand the role of this population of inhibitory neurons in spinal cord function. Here, we characterize the distribution of lumbar spinal cord GAD67-GFP neurons at postnatal days (P) 0, 7, and 14, and adult based on their co-expression with GABA and determine the molecular phenotype of GAD67-GFP neurons at P14 based on the expression of various neuropeptides, calcium binding proteins, and other markers. At all ages greater than 67% of GFP(+) neurons were also GABA(+). With increasing age; (i) GFP(+) and GABA(+) cell numbers declined, (ii) ventral horn GFP(+) and GABA(+) neurons vanished, and (iii) somatic labeling was reduced while terminal labeling increased. At P14, vasoactive intestinal peptide and bombesin were expressed in approximately 63% and approximately 35% of GFP(+) cells, respectively. Somatostatin was found in a small number of neurons, whereas calcitonin gene-related peptide never co-localized with GFP. Moderate co-expression was found for all the Ca(2+) binding proteins examined. Notably, most laminae I-II parvalbumin(+) neurons were also GFP(+). Neurogranin, a protein kinase C substrate, was found in approximately 1/2 of GFP(+) cells. Lastly, while only 7% of GFP(+) cells contain nitric oxide synthase (NOS), these cells represent a large fraction of all NOS(+) cells. We conclude that GAD67-GFP neurons represent the majority of spinal GABAergic neurons and that mouse dorsal horn GAD67-GFP(+) neurons comprise a phenotypically diverse population. Testo completo dell'articolo | 19560523