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XX6200005 Adattatori da tubo a Luer maschio

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Numero di catalogoXX6200005
DescrizioneAdattatori da tubo a Luer maschio
Informazioni di baseWe offer two types of three-piece aerosol contamination monitors for 25mm filters:

3-piece PS monitor, Type A
- Polystyrene monitor with a 16 mm center ring and female Luer slip vacuum connection.
- Requires tubing adapter (XX6200005).
- This monitor is also available without membranes.

3-piece PP monitor, Type B
- Carbon-filled polypropylene conductive monitor with a 50 mm extension cowl.
- Barbed hose vacuum connection eliminates need for tubing adapter.
- MAWP025AC may be used for airborne asbestos monitoring in accordance with NIOSH specifications.

The Average Background particle Count (ABC) value is marked on each package.

Features & Benefits:
•Compliant with NIOSH standard methods
•Boxes marked with Average Background Count (ABC) values
•Pre-assembled with filters in place
•Available with white, black or gridded membranes in two pore sizes
•Available with matched-weight membranes to save time during gravimetric analysis
•A thin cellulose support seals the filter between monitor sections to distribute sample flow evenly over the filter surface

Air Monitoring, Environmental Montitoring, Aerosol Contamination Monitoring, Asbestos Monitoring
Informazioni sul prodotto
Codice HS8421 99 99
Quality LevelMQ100
Informazioni biologiche
SterilitàNon sterile
Diametro6.3 mm (0.25 in.) (I.D.)
Informazioni sui materiali
  • Polypropylene (PP)
Informazioni sul confezionamento
Global Trade Item Number
Numero di catalogo GTIN
XX6200005 04053252578861