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Magnetic Beads - IP & Antibody Purification

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Higher recovery, efficient binding of IgGs in serum by PureProteome™ Protein G Magnetic beads (red box). Rabbit Serum (50 µL) diluted with PBS was incubated with Protein G magnetic beads per manufacturer’s instructions. The depleted rabbit serum samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and the gel stained with Coomassie Blue using PureProteome™ and competitor (I, Q, P) magnetic beads. Lane 1: input material, lanes 2, 4, 6, 8: depleted samples, lanes 3, 5, 7, 9: eluted samples.

PureProteome™ Protein A and Protein G Magnetic Beads for Immunoprecipitation and Antibody Purification

  • PureProteome™ Protein A Magnetic Beads (LSKMAGA02, LSKMAGA10) bind to the Fc region of IgG from a variety of species. Can be used to purify classes, subclasses, and fragments of immunoglobulins as well as for isolation of immune complexes.
  • PureProteome™ Protein G Magnetic Beads (LSKMAGG02, LSKMAGG10) bind to the Fc portion of immnuoglobulins (Igs) from various species; useful for binding to Igs that do not react well with protein A. Can be used for antibody immunoprecipitation procedure and to purify immunoglobulins and IgG fractions.
  • PureProteome™ A/G Mix Beads (LSKMAGAG02, LSKMAGAG10) bind all mammalian immunoglobulin G (IgGs) efficiently using PureProteome™ protein A/G mix magnetic beads, which provide a 50:50 blend of Protein A and Protein G.
Achieve high-specificity, high-recovery immunoprecipitation. With 6X higher capacity than competitive immunoprecipitation beads, PureProteome™ Protein A and Protein G magnetic beads bind the greatest percentage of immunoglobulins (IgG) from serum samples with low non-specific binding. Recover up to 8X as many immunocomplexes in half the time!

PureProteome™ Protein A and Protein G Magnetic Beads are ideal for removing abundant proteins from serum and plasma. For optimization guidelines for scalable depletion of IgG with PureProteome™ Magnetic Beads click here.

  • PureProteome™ Kappa and Lambda Ig Binder Magnetic Beads bind to the human kappa light chain (subclass I, II, III, and IV) or lambda light chain (subclass I, II, III, and IV) and are capable of capturing all immunoglobulin subtypes (IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE, and IgM). These magnetic beads provide a rapid, scalable, and reproducible means to capture human antibody or antibody fragments containing kappa or lambda light chains, including Fab and F(ab')2.
Depletion of all human immunoglobulins can be performed by mixing PureProteome™ Kappa and Lambda Ig Binder Magnetic beads.

NOTE: PureProteome™ Kappa and Lambda Ig Binder Magnetic beads are compatible with human immunoglobulins only.

Performance Data for PureProteome™ Kappa and Lambda Ig-Binding Magnetic Beads:
% lg Captured IgA IgG1 IgG2 IgG3 IgG4 IgD IgE IgM
99.79 99.94 99.91 99.98 99.83 99.99 99.11 99.92
Efficient capture of all Ig subtypes from human serum. A blend of 150 µL of each of PureProteome™ Kappa magnetic bead slurry and PureProteome™ Lambda magnetic bead slurry was used to capture (deplete) Ig from 25 µL human serum (pooled). The % Ig captured was determined by measuring Ig in the input and unbound serum samples by ELISA (IgD and IgE) and bead-based assays (IgA, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4 and IgM).

Efficient purification of IgM from hybridoma medium using PureProteome™ Kappa Ig-Binding Magnetic Beads.
Click image to enlarge.
PureProteome™ Kappa Ig–Binding Magnetic Beads bind to the kappa light chain constant region on human immunoglobulins with high specificity, capable of capturing all immunoglobulin subtypes or purifying the Fab and/or F(ab')2 fragment from the Fc fragment.

(Image:right) Efficient purification of IgM from hybridoma medium using PureProteome™ Kappa Ig-Binding Magnetic Beads. 100 µg of purified human kappa IgM was spiked into 100 µL of hybridoma medium. 250 µL of magnetic bead slurry was incubated with the medium for 1 h with continuous mixing. Beads were washed with PBS and eluted 4 times with 50 µL of 100 mM triethylamine pH 11.5. 5 µL of each fraction was resolved on a nondenaturing gel and proteins were visualized by Coomassie staining.

High purity isolation of human Lambda Fab from hybridoma medium.
Click image to enlarge.
PureProteome™ Lambda Ig-Binding Magnetic Beads
bind to the lambda light chain constant region on human immunoglobulins with high specificity, capable of capturing all immunoglobulin subtypes or purifying the Fab and/or F(ab')2 fragment from the Fc fragment.

(Image:right) High purity isolation of human Lambda Fab from hybridoma medium. 100 µL of PureProteome™ Lambda Ig-binding magnetic bead slurry was used to capture the Fab fragment from 100 µL of Hybridoma Medium spiked with human Lambda Fab. The captured protein was eluted 3 times using 100 µL of 100 mM triethylamine pH 11.5. 10 µL of each fraction was resolved by SDS-PAGE and proteins visualized by Coomassie staining.