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Amicon® Pro Purification System - Antibody Labeling

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Label Antibodies Without Losing a Single Drop—
in as Little as One Hour.

The Amicon® Pro purification system provides the ideal processing tool for small-batch antibody labeling. Antibody cleanup routinely involves the removal of BSA/carrier, labeling, removal of unbound label, dialysis, and final concentration. Using standard dialysis, the procedure can take up to 3 days to complete.

In contrast, the Amicon® Pro method requires just one hour. Also, thanks to the all-in-one format of the Amicon® Pro device, it eliminates loss due to sample transfers and can significantly improve recovery.

Buy the Amicon® Pro Purification System

Antibody labeling using Amicon® Pro vs competitor
Click image to enlarge.
Generate FITC-labeled antibody in one hour.

Compare the Amicon® Pro Workflow with Traditional Methods

Ab Labeling*
Dialysis-based buffer exchange pre/post labeling
0.5 mL centrifugal diafiltration devices
Amicon® Pro Purification System
Process time 3 days 5 hours 1 hour
Steps required 11 8 5
Sample transfers 3 0 0
Amount Ab required 1 mg 20 μg 20 μg

The antibody labeling protocol consists of four basic steps: antibody cleanup, the labeling reaction, unbound dye removal/buffer exchange, and concentration. The duration of the labeling reaction can vary dependent on individual reagent parameters. The process time presented here is based on biotinylation using the Innolink™ Biotin 354S kit (Cat. No. 203119, Merck)