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Agarose Beads – Recombinant Proteins

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Chemical structure of Ni-NTA His-Bind resin shows basis for high capacity binding of His-tagged proteins.
Chemical structure of Ni-NTA His•Bind® resin shows basis for high capacity binding of His-tagged proteins.
A crude extract containing unfused GST was applied to a 2-mL GST-Bind Resin column.
GST•Bind™ purification. A crude extract containing unfused GST was applied to a 2-mL GST•Bind™ Resin column. Total protein yield after purification was 8 mg/mL resin. Lane M is marker, lane 1 is BugBuster® extract, lane 2 is flow-through and lane 3 is eluate.
Ni-NTA His•Bind® Resin is a high-performance Ni2+-charged agarose used for rapid, one-step purification of proteins containing a polyhistidine tag sequence.

The GST•Bind™ purification system is based on the widely recognized affinity of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins for immobilized glutathione.

The Strep•Tag® II Kit contains the essential reagents for Strep•Tag® II fusion protein expression in E. coli and for fusion protein purification and detection.

Strep•Tactin® Superflow™ Agarose is a cross-linked agarose derivatized with Strep•Tactin® protein. It can be used for gravity flow as well as for low pressure and FPLC chromatography. Strep•Tactin® Superflow Agarose is optimized for column affinity chromatography as opposed to batch purification.

The T7•Tag® Antibody Agarose is designed for rapid immunoaffinity purification of target proteins that carry the T7•Tag® sequence (i.e., the amino terminal 11 aa of the T7 gene 10 protein).

S-protein Agarose specifically retains S•Tag™ fusion proteins. Binding can be performed in a column or batch mode. Elution is possible using slightly denaturing conditions or using a specific protease, such as thrombin or enterokinase, with appropriate recombinant proteins.