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Immobilon®-FL Membrane

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Immobilon®-FL Membrane is Optimized for Fluorescence
  • The first transfer membrane optimized for fluorescence applications
  • Extremely low background improves sensitivity of all fluorescence detection protocols
  • Compatible with all commonly used fluorescent probes at all excitation and emission wavelengths
  • Ideal for multiplexing and chemifluorescence applications
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Immobilon®-FL membrane is optimized for fluorescence.

Actin-tubulin multiplex detection on Immobilon®-FL membrane. Rabbit muscle actin (red) was detected using rabbit anti-actin 1oAB and QDot® 655 goat anti-rabbit 2oAB. Porcine brain tubulin (green) was detected using mouse anti-tubulin 1oAB and QDot 565 goat anti-mouse 2oAB. Sensitivities down to 7 ng were observed for both analytes. Data provided by Quantum Dot Corporation.