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Bulk Antibodies

Request Information

Featured Bulk Antibodies

To request information about our featured bulk antibodies please contact us.

Click on the product name to be directed to our standard product specification details.

Choose from over 9000 qualified bulk antibodies and covering a large group of research areas, insure your long term manufacturing or projects start with the best in class. With over 25 years experience in antibody development and antibody manufacture we can partner today and grow with you to meet your future demands.

Facilities for Bulk Antibody Production

Accreditation Includes: NIH Assurance, USDA Class B, USDA Class R, ISO®13485, and cGMP and TGA certified.

Capacity: Our facilities can house greater than 10,000 rabbits, 715 Goats, and 500 sheep.

To meet the needs of our customers worldwide, we have invested in a cell factory facility that is dedicated to in vitro production of antibodies. Our facility utilizes hollow fiber systems, CL units, and large profusion systems providing us with the capacity to produce as little as 10 mg to greater than 10 g of antibody.

Projects from one to thousands of antibodies are welcome. IgY antibody production from chickens is also available.

The following quality control measures are employed to create the highest quality bulk antibodies commercially available:

  • ELISA against the antigen
  • IEF
  • HPLC
  • Western blot

Additional functional checks can be performed per client's request.

To inquire about bulk sizing and pricing details for our bulk antibodies please contact us.