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OmniPur® Grade Reagents

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OmniPur® product line.

Featured OmniPur® Product
OmniPur® Agarose for a wide range of nucleic acid and protein gel applications. OmniPur® Agarose PCR Plus– Suitable for a wide range of nucleic acid and protein gel applications. Especially for resolution of small DNA fragments of less than 1000 bp and PCR products. Prevents smearing or high fluorescence backgrounds. Of average gel strength and standard melting and gelling ranges. Low EEO for shorter electrophoretic runs. Molecular Biology grade.

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OmniPur® Grade Research Essential Reagents are:

1. A comprehensive portfolio of research essential reagents for a wide range of biological applications and techniques
OmniPur® grade reagents consist of products such as antibiotics, buffers, detergents, salts, and molecular markers, to name a few. We have carefully selected all products to create an application- focused offering that meets the range of your research needs, such as:
  • Sample Preparation
  • Protein Expression, Isolation, and Analysis
  • Cell and Tissue Culture
  • Transfection and Selection
  • Gene Expression
  • Western Blotting
  • Electrophoresis
2. Selectively tested for DNase, RNase, & Protease for best results
DNA, RNA, and proteins are the starting point for most experiments, so using nuclease- and protease-free OmniPur® reagents ensures the integrity of your starting material, improving downstream results. Many other tests are also performed, and are recorded on the Certificate of Analysis to ensure reproducible results, lot after lot.

3. Suitable for research labs as well as production facilities
Whether you are performing a single experiment, doing validation tests, or preparing for large-scale production, OmniPur® grade products are available in a wide range of packaging configurations and sizes to fit your needs and to ensure seamless transition from the lab bench to production.
  • Browse OmniPur® products – View products, obtain pricing, download data sheets and other documents