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Samplicity® G2 System: No Cross-Contamination

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LC-MS Contaminants – avoid, identify, minimize.
Merck:/Freestyle/BI-Bioscience/Chromatography-Sample-Prep/Samplicity/leaf-tv.jpgIn this technical bulletin, you will learn some tips on identifying LC-MS contaminants and ways to avoid contamination.

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No Cross-Contamination Between Filter Positions on the Samplicity® G2 System

In row 1, filter positions 1, 3, 5, and 7 were used to filter fluorescein-containing samples. In row 2, filter positions 2, 4, 6, and 8 were used to filter the fluorescein-containing samples.*

Fluorescence Intensity
Filter Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Unit 1 Row 1 >100,000 39 >100,000 41 >100,000 40 >100,000 34
Unit 1 Row 2 35 >100,000 44 >100,000 36 >100,000 35 >100,000
Unit  2 Row 1 >100,000 34 >100,000 36 >100,000 37 >100,000 38
Unit 2 Row 2 34 >100,000 36 >100,000 30 >100,000 35 >100,000

* Samples containing 0.005% fluorescein in 80:20 (v/v) acetonitrile:water were filtered using every other filter position in the Samplicity® G2 system, through 0.45 µm hydrophilic PTFE 33 mm Millex® filters. Similar results were obtained with 0.45 µm hydrophilic PES and PVDF 33 mm Millex® filters. Fluorescence signal was measured by spectrophotometry. Note: The signal was completely saturated on the filter positions in which the original samples were added. Values are given as an approximation of being greater than what is detectable with the spectrophotometer (≤100,000 fluorescence units).