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Microscopy Learning Center


Disposal of Microscopy Products

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Microscopy/LE-Universal Reagent-120x95-08072013.jpg
Merck provides support in the disposal of hazardous substances.

In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices – 
Instructions for Use

In our “Microbiology” section, we provide the general instruction for use for dehydrated culture media and specific instructions for use for approx. 90 Merck Microbiology products.

Giemsa’s Solution - The All-Rounder for Staining in Microscopy

Giemsa's Solution
Giemsa’s azure eosin methylene blue solution is one of the most popular microscopy stains, commonly used in hematology, as well as in histology, cytology and bacteriology for the medical diagnosis of human samples.

Cytology & Histology


Less Hazardous Mounting Medium for Histology


ISOSLIDE® Control Slides

ISOSLIDE® control slides are indispensable for reliable results and complete monitoring of process quality in the histological laboratory.


Since all solutions are transparent, it is hard to distinguish the decalcifier solutions from the solution used for fixing, rinsing, and dehydration. Merck´s color-coded decalcifier solutions solve this problem.

Silver staining kit acc. to von Kossa

Silver Staining Kit Acc. to von Kossa
The silver staining kit acc. to von Kossa is designed for simple, reproducible detection of calcium deposits in tissue samples.

Reticulin Kit

Reticulin Kit

Merck has introduced an environmentally friendly, ready-to-use kit to visualize reticular fibers for up to 110 paraffin sections per kit.