Millipore Sigma Vibrant Logo

Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody Development, Customization Services, and Conjugation

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Our proven track record in the development of thousands of products and reagents is your assurance that we can provide you with the results, quality products, and services you require. We develop custom immunological and molecular tools to expedite research, product development, and drug discovery efforts. The proprietary custom molecular technology and 18 years of antibody manufacturing experience can significantly shorten the path from research to results. We offer expert consulting as well as molecular assay, antibody, and immunological assay development services. Our services are confidential, fast, efficient and well-documented. The contract services extend from immunological to molecular, providing tremendous flexibility in assay design, and customized services to meet your specific needs.

We have been providing research reagents and diagnostic products to academic laboratories and organizations engaged in pharmaceutical research for over 20 years.
  • Providing expedited, cost-efficient completion of projects
  • In addition to individual custom projects, we offer a one-stop service that allows you to design and perform your custom study, utilizing our existing resources and expertise
  • Our products are robust, well characterized, and compliant with State and Federal government regulatory guidelines

Custom Services

  • Reagents Under QSR (FDA)
  • 510K
  • ASR
  • ISO Quality


  • Analysis
  • Large Scale Production
  • Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic Expression
  • Insect Cell Expression
  • Peptide Synthesis

Antibody Development and Conjugation

  • Polyclonal Development
  • Hybridoma Development
  • Antibody Purification
  • Antibody Conjugation
Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody Development
Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water Systems

Complete Solutions for Blood Typing Monoclonal Antibodies video

Watch the Video