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Integrity Testing

Reliable and Repeatable

FDA Guidelines require integrity testing of sterilizing filters used in the processing of sterile solutions such as large volume parenterals (LVPs) and small volume parenterals (SVPs).

There are two classifications of integrity testing: destructive and non-destructive. We not only perform destructive testing as a lot release criteria on samples from each manufacturing lot of fabricated sterilizing-grade filters, but also conduct non-destructive testing on sterilizing-grade filters prior to sale to ensure integrity.

Introducing Integritest® 5

Accurately and reliably verify the integrity of your filters and processing equipment with the portable, easy to implement, and automated Integritest® 5. The Integritest® 5 delivers a simple and intuitive user experience, while providing optional depth of flexibility to fit your process.

Learn more about Integritest® 5

Integritest® 4 System
- Easy-to-use, portable, networkable, and fully-automated integrity test systems that offer reliable, repeatable measurements fast.    

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Sterile Filtration Learning Center - Learn More

Sterile Filtration
Learning Center

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Guide de sélection des produits de filtration stérilisante - En savoir plus

Guide de sélection des produits de filtration stérilisante

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