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EZRGRT-91K Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (total) ELISA

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      Replacement Information

      Tableau de caractéristiques principal

      Analytes AvailableSpecies ReactivityKey ApplicationsDetection Methods
      Ghrelin (Total) R, MELISAFluorescent Colorimetric
      Catalogue NumberEZRGRT-91K
      DescriptionRat/Mouse Ghrelin (total) ELISA
      Background InformationCirculating ghrelin is a multifunctional hormone secreted primarily by the stomach. Originally found as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, it is also an appetite-stimulating hormone in the regulation of energy homeostasis. It consists of 28 amino acids and the n-octanoylation of serine-3 position is necessary for its bioactivity. The acylated form is extremely unstable in the blood; consequently, the predominant form is des-octanoyl ghrelin. Long considered a key player in obesity, ghrelin may also play a role in maintaining the balance between insulin and glucose and the development of diabetes. The spike in insulin secretion occurring after eating usually correlates with a dip in ghrelin production. Researchers determined that in rat models of uncontrolled diabetes, food intake still suppressed ghrelin concentrations in the blood, but only approximately half as effectively as when insulin was present.
      Product Information
      Detection methodFluorescent Colorimetric
      Precision, %
      • Intra-assay: Serum: 0.7–1.3% Plasma: 1.1–1.7%
      • Inter-assay: Serum: 1.8-4.5% Plasma: 2.0-3.2%
      Quality LevelMQ200
      ApplicationThis Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (total) ELISA is used to measure & quantify Ghrelin (total) levels in Metabolism & Endocrine research.
      Key Applications
      • ELISA
      Application NotesRoom temperature, 3 hour assay, 20 μL sample size (serum or plasma)
      Biological Information
      SpecificityCanine Ghrelin (Active) - 71%
      Human Ghrelin (Active) - 115%
      Human Des-Octanoyl Ghrelin - 249%
      Porcine Ghrelin (Active) - 48%
      Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (Active) - 85%
      Rat/Mouse Des-Octanoyl Ghrelin - 100%
      Species Reactivity
      • Rat
      • Mouse
      Analytes Available
      • Ghrelin (Total)
      UniProt Number
      • Plasma: (Active Ghrelin) 86-102%
      • Plasma: (Des-octanoyl Ghrelin) 95-107%
      • Serum: (Des-octanoyl Ghrelin) 92-103%
      • Serum: (Active Ghrelin) 80-103%
      Physicochemical Information
      Linearity of DilutionContact Technical Service for this information
      Materials Information
      Toxicological Information
      Safety Information according to GHS
      Safety Information
      Product Usage Statements
      Usage Statement
      • For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Packaging Information
      Material Size96-well strip plate
      Transport Information
      Supplemental Information
      Global Trade Item Number
      Référence GTIN
      EZRGRT-91K 04053252674167



      Protocol- EZRGRT-91K
      Protocol: Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (Total) ELISA

      Rat/Mouse Ghrelin (total) ELISA FDS


      Fiche de données de sécurité des matériaux (FDS) 

      Références bibliographiques

      Aperçu de la référence bibliographiqueNº PubMed
      Dual regulatory role for phosphatase and tensin homolog in specification of intestinal endocrine cell subtypes.
      Sébastien Ab Roy,Marie-Josée Langlois,Julie C Carrier,François Boudreau,Nathalie Rivard,Nathalie Perreault,Sébastien A B Roy
      World journal of gastroenterology : WJG  18  2011

      Afficher le résumé
      22529686 22529686
      Diet-induced obesity attenuates fasting-induced hyperphagia.
      D I Briggs,M B Lemus,E Kua,Z B Andrews
      Journal of neuroendocrinology  23  2010

      Afficher le résumé
      21518036 21518036
      Diet-induced obesity causes ghrelin resistance in arcuate NPY/AgRP neurons.
      Briggs DI, Enriori PJ, Lemus MB, Cowley MA, Andrews ZB
      Endocrinology  151  4745-55. Epub 2010 Sep 8.  2009

      Afficher le résumé
      20826561 20826561

      Informations techniques

      96 well Template 2 Up
      96 well Template Single
      Quality Control Range Sheet- ERGA-15K, RAGR-115 and RAGR-215
      Quality Control Range Sheet- RAGR-117 and RAGR-217

      Produits & Applications associés

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      Life Science Research > Antibodies and Assays > Immunoassays > Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) > Complete ELISA Kits
      Life Science Research > Protein Detection and Quantification > Immunoassays > Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) > Complete ELISA Kits