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MSIPS4510 MultiScreenHTS-IP, 0,45 µm, transparent, stérile

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      Nom de marque
      • MultiScreen
      DescriptionMultiScreenHTS-IP, 0,45 µm, transparent, stérile
      Informations généralesNo matter what application you’re working with, Millipore has a plate developed to meet your specific needs. MultiScreen plates have a long history as a reliable tool for the advancement of drug discovery and life science research.

      HTS Filter Plates (Plate catalogue numbers that start with MS)
      - MultiScreenHTS plates are specifically developed for high-throughput use with automated work stations. Rigid sidewalls improve handling and ample surfaces are provided for bar code labels. Wells are individually sealed to prevent incubation crosstalk and the underdrain is removable for access to the filters. Filter plates are available in 96- and 384-well platforms with a broad selection of membranes and plastics.

      - Millipore’s new MultiScreen HTS+ Hi flow filter plate design lessens non-specific binding and reduces variability in both background and signal intensities specifically for biochemical screening assays.

      Classic Filter Plates (Plate catalogue numbers that start with MA)
      - The original multiwell design is valuable for many applications which require immersing the filter in an assay tray. The easily removable underdrain and unique plate design are ideal for assays such as Elispot, PAMPA, cell screening (migration, invasion or chemotaxis) or for topcount detection users.

      Accessory – MultiScreenHTS Vacuum Manifold
      - The MultiScreenHTS Vacuum manifold was designed specifically to work with MultiScreenHTS filter plates. The combination results in optimal filtration characteristics and seamless automation integration.

      Millicell Assay Plates
      - In addition to the traditional assay plate format, filter plates are also available with cell culture trays for growing and assaying suspension and adherent cell lines. Cells grown on filter plates differentiate better than those grown on traditional plastic substrates, resulting in more in vivo-like results This filter plate/tray combination can be used for a variety of cellular assays, including, transport, toxicity and screening assays.
      Informations produit
      Code SH8421 29 90
      Compatibles avec une automatisationYes
      Code du filtreIP
      Code couleurTransparent
      Nbre de puits96
      Quality LevelMQ400
      Principales applications
      • Essais ELISPOT
      • Liaisons avidine-biotine
      Informations biologiques
      Milieux de cultureImmobilon®-P
      Stem Cell Type
      • Cellules souches embryonnaires de souris
      • Cellules souches embryonnaires humaines
      • Cellules souches mésenchymateuses
      • Cellules souches neuronales
      • Cellules souches hématopoétiques
      • Cellules épithéliales
      • Cellules souches pancréatiques
      • Cellules souches cardiaques
      • Cellules souches pluripotentes induites
      Informations physico-chimiques
      Dimension de pores0.45 µm
      Surface de filtration0.28 cm²
      Volume50 µL–250 µL
      Informations sur les matériaux
      • PVDF hydrophobe
      Matériau du dispositif
      • Acrylique
      Informations sur l'emballage
      Global Trade Item Number
      Référence GTIN
      MSIPS4510 04053252266300