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Membranes et sandwiches de transfert Immobilon et papier filtre absorbant Immobilon

Immobilon® PVDF membranes are the ideal transfer membranes for protein blotting applications.

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Guide d'achat

Immobilon® Membranes, Sandwiches and Blotting Filter PaperSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
RéférenceDescriptionDimensions du filtreConditionnement
IPVH07850Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 7 x 8,4 cm 7 cm x 8.4 cm 50 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH08100Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 8 x 10 cm 8 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH08130Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 8,5 x 13,5 cm 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH09120Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 9 x 12 cm 9 cm x 12 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH10100Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 10 x 10 cm 10 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH15150Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 15 x 15 cm 15 cm x 15 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH20200Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 20 x 20 cm 20 cm x 20 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH304F0Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 26 x 26 cm 26 cm x 26 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH00010Membrane Immobilon-P, PVDF, 0,45 µm, rouleau de 26,5 cm x 3,75 m 27 cm x 3.75 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ07850Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 7 x 8,4 cm 7 cm x 8.4 cm 50 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ08100Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 8 x 10 cm 8 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ08130Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 8,5 x 13,5 cm 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ09120Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 9 x 12 cm 9 cm x 12 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ10100Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 10 x 10 cm 10 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ15150Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 15 x 15 cm 15 cm x 15 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ20200Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 20 x 20 cm 20 cm x 20 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ26260Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, feuille de 26 x 26 cm 26 cm x 26 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ00010Membrane Immobilon-PSQ, PVDF, 0,2 µm, rouleau de 26,5 cm x 3,75 m 27 cm x 3.75 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IPFL10100Immobilon-FL en PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 10 x 10 cm 10 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPFL20200Immobilon-FL en PVDF, 0,45 µm, feuille de 20 x 20 cm 20 cm x 20 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IPFL00010Immobilon-FL en PVDF, 0,45 µm, rouleau de 26,5 cm x 3,75 m 27 cm x 3.75 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IPSN07852Sandwich de transfert composé d'une membrane Immobilon-P intercalée dans du papier absorbant de 7 x 8,4 cm 7 cm x 8.4 cm 20 Prix & Disponibilité
IPSN08132Sandwich de transfert composé d'une membrane Immobilon-P intercalée dans du papier absorbant de 8,5 x 13,5 cm 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm 20 Prix & Disponibilité
IBFP0785CPapier filtre absorbant Immobilon, feuille de 7 x 8,4 cm 7 cm x 8.4 cm 100 Prix & Disponibilité
IBFP0813CPapier filtre absorbant Immobilon, feuille de 8,5 x 13,5 cm 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm 100 Prix & Disponibilité
IPFL00005Immobilon®-FL PVDF Membrane 27 cm x 1.875 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH00005Immobilon®-P PVDF Membrane 27 cm x 1.875 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ00005Immobilon®-PSQ PVDF Membrane 27 cm x 1.875 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH00005Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 27 cm x 1.875 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH07804Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 7 cm x 8.4 cm 4 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH07850Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 7 cm x 8.4 cm 50 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH08100Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 8 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH09120Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 9 cm x 12 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH10100Immobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 10 cm x 10 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité
IESN07852Immobilon®-E Blotting Sandwich 7.0 cm x 8.4 cm 20 Prix & Disponibilité
IESN08132Immobilon®-E Blotting Sandwich 8.5 cm x 13.5 cm 20 Prix & Disponibilité
IMDISPImmobilon® NOW Dispenser 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IPVH85RImmobilon®-P Membrane, PVDF, 0.45 µm, 8.5 cm x 10 m roll 8.5 cm x 10 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
ISEQ85RImmobilon®-PSQ Membrane, PVDF, 0.2 µm, 8.5 cm x 10 m roll 8.5 cm x 10 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IEVH85RImmobilon®-E PVDF Membrane 8.5 cm x 10 m 1 Prix & Disponibilité
IPFL07810Immobilon®-FL PVDF Membrane 7 cm x 8.4 cm 10 Prix & Disponibilité


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Références bibliographiques

Aperçu de la référence bibliographiqueApplication
Mobile Phase Preparation for UHPLC: Membrane Filtration Method Affects System Performance and Leaching of Extractable Impurities
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Afficher le résumé Article en texte intégral
Quantitation of Protein on gels and blots by infrared fluorescence of Coomassie blue and fast green
Luo S., Wehr N.B., Levine R.L.
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Immunoblotting (Western)
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McLemore E.C., Tessier D.J., Thresher J., Komalavilas P., Brophy C.M
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Pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor is a secreted cytokine-like protein from the human amniotic epithelium.
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Western Blotting
A high-affinity reversible protein stain for Western blots
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Biochemical analysis of GABA receptor subunits alpha 1, alpha 5, beta1 beta2 in the hippocampus of patients with Alzheimer's disease neurophathology
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Western Blotting
Proteomics reveals protein profile changes in doxorubicin treated MCF7 human breast cancer cells
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Towards proteome-wide production of monoclonal antibody by phage display.
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Mass Spectrometry Sample Prep
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Amino Acid Analysis: A comparative Study of stains on PVDF membranes
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Should I prewet MultiScreen Immobilon-P plates before use?Yes. Use 15 ul of 70% ethanol or methanol to prewet the Immobilon P membrane. This membrane is hydrophobic and requires a prewet to allow liquid to pass through the membrane.
What is the protein binding capacity of Immobilon-P?The protein (BSA) binding capacity for the Immobilon P membrane is 131 micrograms per sq. cm. of membrane.
What is the thickness of the Immobilon PSQ?Immobilon PSQ is 200 microns thick.
Can ethanol be substituted for methanol in the Western Blot procedure?Yes, it is acceptable to replace the methanol with ethanol as long as you substitue it 1 for 1. So 20% methanol would be replaced with 20% ethanol.
What is the smallest size of a protein or peptide which binds to the Immobilon-PSQ?For the PSQ we do not suggest that they go lower than 2 kDa for the protein size. To help promote the transfer of the smaller proteins the methanol concentration of the transfer buffer can be increased to 20% (w/v) and the SDS lowered to 0.01%. The strength of the electric field can also be reduce by 50% to increase the proteins contact time with the membrane. Standard stains can be used such as Coomasie Blue and Ponceau. Keep in mind that some of the stain such as Coomasie Blue are not reversible.
How many times can I strip and reprobe Immobilon-P?While 2-3 times is probably the limit, it is difficult to give an absolute number in regards to stripping and reprobing. This is because there are many factors to consider when it comes to protein binding to PVDF and primary antibody affinity to these proteins. Different proteins will have varying degrees of affinity to PVDF. This is based on factors discussed in our Protein Blotting Handbook (see TP001; Protein Binding section). One round of stripping may remove one protein and leave another intact. The same could occur when using different primary antibodies. Different antibodies will have varying affinities to different proteins. If carrying out several rounds of stripping and reprobing, one strategy might be to detect the least abundant proteins earlier leaving the higher abundant proteins later for detection.
What is the difference between Immobilon–FL and Immobilon-P?Both membranes are made from PVDF. The difference in background fluorescence is due to proprietary modifications in the membrane manufacturing process.
How does the protein binding capacity and protein retention of Immobilon-FL compare to Immobilon-P?Immobilon-FL’s protein binding capacity and protein retention are comparable to Immobilon-P.
Is Immobilon-FL better than Nitrocellulose membrane for Fluorescence detection?Yes. Background fluorescence of Immobilon-FL is typically 2-5X lower than that of nitrocellulose, thus improving signal-to-noise ratio (sensitivity). Nitrocellulose membranes have other disadvantages. If allowed to dry out, they become brittle, tend to fracture and are difficult to handle. They are not recommended for stripping and re-probing. Nitrocellulose blots need to be scanned as soon as possible after detection, as diffusion of signal on a wet membrane may also occur.
What fluorescence-based detection methods can be used with Immobilon-FL?Immobilon-FL can be used in Western blotting applications using either fluorescent dye-conjugated antibodies or chemi-fluorescence substrates. Western blots can be imaged in the visible or IR range. Single color detection or multiplexing for co-localization studies can be performed efficiently on Immobilon-FL Fluorescent proteins, e.g. green fluorescent protein, (GFP) or proteins tagged with GFP, blotted onto the membrane can be readily detected as well.