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TS-10ML-RU BIOSCOT® Anti-IgG/C3d, Polyspecific Anti-Human Globulin Blood Grouping Reagent for Research Use

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      Catalogue NumberTS-10ML-RU
      Trade Name
      • BIOSCOT
      DescriptionBIOSCOT® Anti-IgG/C3d, Polyspecific Anti-Human Globulin Blood Grouping Reagent for Research Use
      Product Information
      FormatVialled, Labeled
      ApplicationFor use in Direct and Indirect Anti - Human Globulin tests
      Key Applications
      • For use in Direct and Indirect Anti-Human Globulin Tests
      Application NotesColorant: Patent Blue Violet and Tartrazine dyes. Contains 0.1% (w/v) Sodium Azide. Filtered through a 0.22μm terminal filter. Shelf Life: 24 months from date of filtration.For Non Clinical In Vitro research use only
      Biological Information
      SpecificityAnti-Human Globulin (Poly/Mono Blend)
      IsotypeIgG IgM
      Antibody TypePolyclonal / Monoclonal Antibody Blend
      AssayTotal Protein Range: 9–20mg/mL

      pH: 7.1–7.3
      Physicochemical Information
      pH Range7.1-7.3
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Storage Conditions2–8 °C
      Packaging Information
      Material Size10mL
      Global Trade Item Number
      Référence GTIN
      TS-10ML-RU 04054839479113