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Kit de préparation de plasmides et de BAC en format 96 puits

Simply clear, concentrate, wash, and recover



Guide d'achat

Kit de préparation de plasmides et de BAC en format 96 puitsSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
LSKP09604Kit Plasmid Miniprep96 4 Prix & Disponibilité
LSKP09624Kit Plasmid Miniprep96 24 Prix & Disponibilité

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Equipement requisSupprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
MSVMHTS00Support de filtration sous vide MultiScreenHTS 1 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6111560Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 115 V/60 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6122050Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 220 V/50 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité
WP6110060Pompe à vide/pression résistante aux solvants, 100 V/50–60 Hz 1 Prix & Disponibilité

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Réactifs*Supprimer le tri & les filtres Show Filter
LSKCRS500Solution de remise en suspension des cellules, 0,5 litre 500 mL Prix & Disponibilité
LSKCLS500Solution de lyse cellulaire, 0,5 litre 500 mL Prix & Disponibilité
LSKNS0500Solution de neutralisation, 0,5 litre 500 mL Prix & Disponibilité
LSKNF0500Eau exempte de nucléases, 0,5 litre 500 mL Prix & Disponibilité
LSKCTB500Tampon Tris, 0,5 litre 500 mL Prix & Disponibilité
LSKPMRN30RNase A, 0,9 ml 0.9 mL Prix & Disponibilité

*Tous les réactifs sont conditionnés en flacon fournis à l'unité

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What is the 260/280 assessment ratio when using the Montage Plasmid Kit?The 260/280 reading is 1.8-2.0. This signifies and extremely high level of purity.
Can I use this kit in centrifugal mode?Use of the Montage Plasmid Miniprep-96 Kit in a centrifugal protocol is not recommended.
I'm using your two plate plasmid prep protocol and the wells are overflowing when I transfer the cleared lysate to the FB plate. What am I doing wrong?Overflowing can result from any of the following:
  • Using too much alkaline lysis and/or binding solutions.
  • Not removing all of the cell culture medium after pelleting cells. Tap the deep well block harder after decanting .
  • Cell pellet may be too large, as the result of overgrowth of the culture. Use a less rich medial like 2xLB.
I have observed RNA contamination of my plasmid preps. Why?Failure to add RNase A to solution 1 will often result in RNA contamination in your DNA miniprep.
I have observed lower than expected yields for my plasmid minpreps when using the Montage kit. Why?There are a number of factors that can contribute to low yields with the Montage kits they include: low/high copy number plasmid; bacterial strain: culturing time: inadequate cell resuspension: and overdrying of plasmid plate.
I have observed that the wells of the MultiScreen plate used in the Montage kit are not filtering uniformly. Why?The wells of the MultiScreen plates usually filter uniformly. However, a bubble in the lysate may cause an airlock, which halts filtration. Also, a highly viscous sample may increase filtration time considerably.
What is holdup volume of a MultiScreen Plate used with the Montage Kits?The holdup volume for the MultiScreen plate is between 5-20 microliters.
When using the Montage kits how can I tell when filtration in the MultiScreen plate is complete?Filtration is complete when the individual wells of the MultiScreen plate are empty and the membranes appear shiny.
The two sections of the MultiScreen plates used in the Montage kits are separating under vacuum. Why?The most common reason for this problem is the lack of a MultiScreen underdrain support grid in the vacuum manifold. A MultiScreen support grid is required for proper functioning of the MultiScreen plate with any vacuum manifold.
The total yields with the Montage Plasmid Miniprep-96 kit seems to be less then with competitive products. Why?The Montage kit uses less culture volume (1ml vs. 1.3 ml) than most competitive kits. However the relative yield is equivalent.