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Drug Conjugation

Merck:/Freestyle/PS-Process-Solutions/SMP-Small-Molecule-Pharmaceuticals/formulation/activated-functionalized-swirl.jpgOffering a Variety of PEGs

Conjugation of drugs (small or large pharmacologically active molecules) with activated or functionalized polyethyleneglycols (PEG) is a valuable option to modify the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of an API.

As our customer, you know the medical needs and develop drug molecules to meet the market requirements, Merck provides activated or functionalized PEGs to perform the conjugation reactions to modify the API. After downstream processing, purification and formulation, the final API may then unfold the desired clinical effect. A prolonged pharmacological activity allows to reduce the frequency of drug administration and thus to improve the patient’s quality of life.
ADC Services

AAntibody-Drug Conjugates
ADC Services


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