ChemiBlock™ Reagents |
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Active Blocking Reagents | |
Designed to actively block interfering antibodies (HAAAs, RF, Heterophiles) by neutralizing them, allowing the binding of analyte/antigen to capture and detector antibodies to occur. Since active blocking reagents contain specific antibodies, they may typically be used in lower concentrations than passive blocking reagents. | |
Super ChemiBlock™ Heterophile Blocking Agent | Catalog No. CBS-K |
Goat anti-Human IgG Fc Fragment (Gamma Globulin Fraction) | Catalog No. AB728-K |
Goat anti-Human IgG Fc Fragment. Affinity purified. (Gamma Globulin Fraction) | Catalog No. AP113-K |
Passive Blocking Reagents | |
Passive blocking reagents comprise normal animal immunoglobulins and other components that essentially overwhelm and reduce the concentration of interfering antibodies by providing alternate binding sites to those of the detector and capture antibodies. Passive blocking reagents may be combined and/or used with active blockers to optimize formulations for specific assays. | |
ChemiBlock™ II Heterophile Blocking Agent | Catalog No. CBII-K |
Mouse IgG (Purified) | Catalog No. PP54-K |
Rabbit IgG (Gamma Globulin Fraction) | Catalog No. PP63-K |
Rabbit IgG (Purified) | Catalog No. PP64-K |
Equine IgG (Gamma Globulin Fraction) | Catalog No. PP301-K |
Isotype Specific Mouse IgG | |
Purified Mouse IgG1. Affinity purified. | Catalog No. PP100-K |
ChemiBlock™ Blend Heterophile Blocking Agent. Affinity purified. | Catalog No. PP1230-K |