Isoproterenol effects evaluated in heart slices of human and rat in comparison to rat heart in vivo. Herrmann, JE; Heale, J; Bieraugel, M; Ramos, M; Fisher, RL; Vickers, AE Toxicology and applied pharmacology
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Human response to isoproterenol induced cardiac injury was evaluated by gene and protein pathway changes in human heart slices, and compared to rat heart slices and rat heart in vivo. Isoproterenol (10 and 100μM) altered human and rat heart slice markers of oxidative stress (ATP and GSH) at 24h. In this in vivo rat study (0.5mg/kg), serum troponin concentrations increased with lesion severity, minimal to mild necrosis at 24 and 48h. In the rat and the human heart, isoproterenol altered pathways for apoptosis/necrosis, stress/energy, inflammation, and remodeling/fibrosis. The rat and human heart slices were in an apoptotic phase, while the in vivo rat heart exhibited necrosis histologically and further progression of tissue remodeling. In human heart slices genes for several heat shock 70kD members were altered, indicative of stress to mitigate apoptosis. The stress response included alterations in energy utilization, fatty acid processing, and the up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase, a marker of increased oxidative stress in both species. Inflammation markers linked with remodeling included IL-1α, Il-1β, IL-6 and TNFα in both species. Tissue remodeling changes in both species included increases in the TIMP proteins, inhibitors of matrix degradation, the gene/protein of IL-4 linked with cardiac fibrosis, and the gene Ccl7 a chemokine that induces collagen synthesis, and Reg3b a growth factor for cardiac repair. This study demonstrates that the initial human heart slice response to isoproterenol cardiac injury results in apoptosis, stress/energy status, inflammation and tissue remodeling at concentrations similar to that in rat heart slices. | 24286936
Coagulation factors, fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, are differentially regulated by yellow fever virus infection of hepatocytes. Woodson, SE; Freiberg, AN; Holbrook, MR Virus research
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Yellow fever virus (YFV) infection poses a great risk to un-vaccinated individuals living or traveling in the endemic regions of Africa and South America. It is estimated that approximately 30,000 people die each year of this disease. The liver is the main target of YFV, where as many as 80% of the hepatocytes may become involved in the infection. The overwhelming infection of the liver is associated with the observed hemorrhagic disease manifestations such as petechiae, ecchymoses, and hematemesis which are all thought to be linked with the observed coagulation abnormalities that include prolonged clotting times, reduction in clotting factors, fibrin-split products (D-dimers) and elevated prothrombin times. Many factors involved in the coagulation pathway are produced by hepatocytes, such as fibrinogen (FBG) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Both of these proteins have been indicated in another flavivirus related disease, dengue, as having roles related to the bleeding abnormalities observed and overall outcome of infection. In this study we wanted to determine if FBG and PAI-1 expression levels by human hepatocytes was disrupted or altered by infection with either wild-type Asibi or vaccine strain17-D YFVs. Our findings indicate that YFV infection does affect the transcriptional and translational expression of FBG and PAI-1 in human hepatocytes and that these results are further affected by IL-6 during early stages of infection. These results may lead to further understanding of the molecular mechanism associated with bleeding abnormalities observed during late stage YFV infection. | 23639427