A broadly cross-reactive monoclonal antibody against an epitope on the n-terminus of meningococcal fHbp David M Vu 1 , Rolando Pajon, Donald C Reason, Dan M Granoff Sci Rep
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Meningococcal factor H binding protein (fHbp) is an important vaccine antigen for prevention of disease caused by capsular group B strains. The protein has been sub-classified into three variant groups. Most anti-fHbp antibodies are variant group-specific and recognize epitopes on the C-terminal domain. We report a murine IgG1 mAb, JAR 41, which broadly cross-reacted with fHbp sequence variants from all variant groups. The mAb bound to the surface of live meningococci with fHbp from each of the three variant groups. In combination with second non-bactericidal anti-fHbp mAbs, JAR 41 elicited complement-mediated bactericidal activity in vitro, and augmented passive protection against meningococcal bacteremia in human fH transgenic rats. The epitope was located on a conserved region of the N-terminal portion of the fHbp molecule opposite that of fH contact residues. The data underscore the importance of broadly cross-reactive, surface-exposed epitopes on the N-terminal domain in the design of protective fHbp vaccines. | 22461972
A region of the N-terminal domain of meningococcal factor H-binding protein that elicits bactericidal antibody across antigenic variant groups Peter T Beernink 1 , Carla LoPasso, Antonella Angiolillo, Franco Felici, Dan Granoff Mol Immunol
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Meningococcal factor H-binding protein (fHbp) is a promising vaccine antigen. Previous studies described three fHbp antigenic variant groups and identified amino acid residues between 100 and 255 as important targets of variant-specific bactericidal antibodies. We investigated residues affecting expression of an epitope recognized by a murine IgG2a anti-fHbp mAb, designated JAR 4, which cross-reacted with fHbps in variant group 1 or 2 (95% of strains), and elicited human complement-mediated, cooperative bactericidal activity with other non-bactericidal anti-fHbp mAbs with epitopes involving residues between 121 and 216. From filamentous bacteriophage libraries containing random peptides that were recognized by JAR 4, we identified a consensus tripeptide, DHK that matched residues 25-27 in the N-terminal domain of fHbp. Since DHK was present in both JAR 4-reactive and non-reactive fHbps, the tripeptide was necessary but not sufficient for reactivity. Based on site-directed mutagenesis studies, the JAR 4 epitope could either be knocked out of a reactive variant 1 fHbp, or introduced into a non-reactive variant 3 protein. Collectively, the data indicated that the JAR 4 epitope was discontinuous and involved DHK residues beginning at position 25; YGN residues beginning at position 57; and a KDN tripeptide that was present in variant 3 proteins beginning at position 67 that negatively affected expression of the epitope. Thus, the region of fHbp encompassing residues 25-59 in the N-terminal domain is important for eliciting antibodies that can cooperate with other anti-fHbp antibodies for cross-reactive bactericidal activity against strains expressing fHbp from different antigenic variant groups. | 19286260
Protective activity of monoclonal antibodies to genome-derived neisserial antigen 1870, a Neisseria meningitidis candidate vaccine Jo Anne Welsch 1 , Raffaella Rossi, Maurizio Comanducci, Dan M Granoff J Immunol
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Genome-derived neisserial Ag (GNA) 1870 is a meningococcal vaccine candidate that can be subdivided into three variants based on amino acid sequence variability. Variant group 1 accounts for approximately 60% of disease-producing group B isolates. The Ag went unrecognized until its discovery by genome mining because it is expressed in low copy number by most strains. To investigate the relationship between Ab binding to GNA1870 and complement-mediated protective functions, we prepared a panel of four murine IgG mAbs against rGNA1870 (variant 1) and evaluated their activity against nine genetically diverse encapsulated Neisseria meningitidis strains expressing subvariants of variant 1 GNA1870. Based on flow cytometry with live encapsulated bacteria, surface accessibility of the epitopes recognized by the mAbs appeared to be low in most strains. Yet mAb concentrations <1 to 5 micro g/ml were sufficient to elicit bactericidal activity with human complement and/or activate C3b deposition on the bacterial surface. Certain combinations of mAbs were highly bactericidal against strains that were resistant to bactericidal activity of the respective individual mAbs. The mAbs conferred passive protection against bacteremia in infant rats challenged by strains resistant to bacteriolysis, and the protective activity paralleled the ability of the mAb to activate C3b deposition. Thus, despite low GNA1870 surface exposure, anti-GNA1870 variant 1 Abs are bactericidal and/or elicit C3b deposition and confer protection against bacteremia caused by encapsulated N. meningitidis strains expressing GNA1870 subvariant 1 proteins. The data support GNA1870 as a promising vaccine candidate for prevention of meningococcal group B disease caused by GNA1870 variant 1 strains. | 15100304