Mechanism of BRCA1-mediated inhibition of progesterone receptor transcriptional activity. Pragati Katiyar, Yongxian Ma, Anna Riegel, Saijun Fan, Eliot M Rosen, Pragati Katiyar, Yongxian Ma, Anna Riegel, Saijun Fan, Eliot M Rosen Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)
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Previously, we reported that BRCA1 inhibits progesterone receptor (PR) activity and blocks progesterone-stimulated gene expression and cell proliferation. In the present manuscript, we studied the mechanism of BRCA1 inhibition of PR activity, using c-Myc as a model progesterone-regulated promoter. Here, we found that BRCA1 has little or no effect on PR ligand-binding affinity. However, BRCA1 overexpression inhibited the R5020-induced recruitment of PR to the c-Myc and mouse mammary tumor virus progesterone response elements (PREs) and blocked R5020-stimulated c-Myc expression, whereas BRCA1 underexpression did the opposite. In EMSAs, BRCA1 overexpression blocked the R5020-induced complex formation between PR and several radiolabeled PRE-containing oligonucleotides, and in vitro-translated BRCA1 blocked the interaction of full-length PR-A or a fragment containing the DNA-binding domain of PR with a radiolabeled PRE oligonucleotide. In further studies, BRCA1 overexpression inhibited the recruitment of coactivators (steroid receptor coactivator 1 and amplified in breast cancer 1) and enhanced the recruitment of a corepressor (histone deacetylase 1) to the c-Myc PRE, whereas BRCA1 knockdown increased the abundance of AIB1 and decreased the abundance of HDAC1 at the c-Myc PRE. These findings suggest that BRCA1 inhibits progestin-stimulated PR activity, in part, by preventing PR from binding to the PRE and by promoting the formation of a corepressor complex rather than a coactivator complex. Artículo Texto completo | 19389812