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Leakproof against liquids - permeable to gas

Have you been getting your reagents such as sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide in bottles with special srew caps featuring a valve to allow any gases that may form to escape and so as to stop the container from becoming pressurized? Have the bottles been packed in a PE bag for added safety because the reagents could diffuse through the outlet of the srew caps?

SafetyCap the intelligent closing

To avoid this problem and possible contamination, we offer you the SafetyCap. It is used for our chemical products that could build up excess pressure in bottles through chemical reaction. To prevent contamination we supply all of the aforementioned reagents in bottles fitted with our SafetyCap. The PTFE membrane at the heart of the cap allows gas to escape but is totally impervious to liquids over a wide range of temperatures no matter what the position of the bottle, as proven by extensive storage trials and stress testing performed in our own packaging testing center. The PTFE device in the SafetyCap is there to protect the reagents, too, by not allowing gas or liquid into the bottle where it may contaminate the contents.

Advantages for you:

  • Safe working: This innovative closure system allows absolutely no liquid to escape, even if the bottle is knocked over.

  • Safe storage: Leak-proof under all temperatures and in all positions

  • Right analytical results: The SafetyCap protects our chemicals. It stops the infiltration of liquids into the bottle and thus prevents contamination.

  • Safe handling and transport: The SafetyCap is flat without any raised parts that could be broken off.

Let this packaging innovation help enhance your operations.

Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Safety_Bottle-06042016.jpg Merck:/Freestyle/LE-Lab-Essentials/Inorganic Reagents/LE-Safety_Cap-06042016.jpg


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