Sigma-AldrichMagna Nuclear RIP™ (Native)
Nuclear RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Kit
Magna Nuclear RIP (Native) RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Kit is designed for the analysis of chromatin associated RNA such lncRNAs, enhancer RNAs and miRNAs.
More>> Magna Nuclear RIP (Native) RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Kit is designed for the analysis of chromatin associated RNA such lncRNAs, enhancer RNAs and miRNAs. Less<<Recommended Products
Key Spec Table
Key Applications |
RIP, Protein Interaction Assays |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 17-10522 |
Trade Name |
Description | Magna Nuclear RIP™ (Native) Nuclear RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation Kit |
Overview | Features and Advantages
Magna Nuclear RIP™ Kits are specially designed to allow the discovery and analysis of a variety of chromatin associated RNAs such as long non-coding RNAs, enhancer RNAs and miRNAs . These chromatin-associated RNAs often regulate gene expression and can be analyzed with applications including quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), microarray analysis (RIP-chip) and next generation sequencing (RIP-Seq). Nuclear RIP can be performed using chromatin that has interactions stabilized by formaldehyde treatment (cross-linked) or chromatin that has not been treated with a cross linking reagent (native). While both of these approaches are similar in that they are designed to recover chromatin associated RNA, the reagents used and the details of the protocol and types of interactions typically detected are different. Native RIP is expected to recover high affinity, more direct interactions between proteins encoded RNA binding motifs and candidate RNAs. In contrast, nuclear RIP with cross-linked chromatin can capture higher molecular weight complexes in in vivo configurations with possibly lower affinities. For less well understood proteins and protein complexes often both approaches are used. The kit described here is for the native approach. If a cross-linked approach is of interest please visit the product page for the Magna Nuclear RIP (Cross-Linked) Kit , catalogue # 17-10520or the EZ-Magna Nuclear RIP (Cross-Linked) Kit, catalogue # 17-10521. |
Materials Required but Not Delivered | Reagents
Product Information | |
Components |
Presentation | Two boxes containing key reagents for generation of native nuclear lysates and performance of 24 individual RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) reactions. |
Quality Level | MQ100 |
Packaging Information | |
Material Size | 24 assays |
Material Package | Kit capacity: 24 RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation assays using a native (non-cross-linked) nuclear lysate |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Catalogue Number | GTIN |
17-10522 | 04055977127379 |