CDC42 switches IRSp53 from inhibition of actin growth to elongation by clustering of VASP. Disanza, A; Bisi, S; Winterhoff, M; Milanesi, F; Ushakov, DS; Kast, D; Marighetti, P; Romet-Lemonne, G; Müller, HM; Nickel, W; Linkner, J; Waterschoot, D; Ampè, C; Cortellino, S; Palamidessi, A; Dominguez, R; Carlier, MF; Faix, J; Scita, G EMBO J
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Filopodia explore the environment, sensing soluble and mechanical cues during directional motility and tissue morphogenesis. How filopodia are initiated and spatially restricted to specific sites on the plasma membrane is still unclear. Here, we show that the membrane deforming and curvature sensing IRSp53 (Insulin Receptor Substrate of 53 kDa) protein slows down actin filament barbed end growth. This inhibition is relieved by CDC42 and counteracted by VASP, which also binds to IRSp53. The VASP:IRSp53 interaction is regulated by activated CDC42 and promotes high-density clustering of VASP, which is required for processive actin filament elongation. The interaction also mediates VASP recruitment to liposomes. In cells, IRSp53 and VASP accumulate at discrete foci at the leading edge, where filopodia are initiated. Genetic removal of IRSp53 impairs the formation of VASP foci, filopodia and chemotactic motility, while IRSp53 null mice display defective wound healing. Thus, IRSp53 dampens barbed end growth. CDC42 activation inhibits this activity and promotes IRSp53-dependent recruitment and clustering of VASP to drive actin assembly. These events result in spatial restriction of VASP filament elongation for initiation of filopodia during cell migration, invasion, and tissue repair. | 24076653
The Eps8/IRSp53/VASP network differentially controls actin capping and bundling in filopodia formation. Vaggi, F; Disanza, A; Milanesi, F; Di Fiore, PP; Menna, E; Matteoli, M; Gov, NS; Scita, G; Ciliberto, A PLoS Comput Biol
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There is a body of literature that describes the geometry and the physics of filopodia using either stochastic models or partial differential equations and elasticity and coarse-grained theory. Comparatively, there is a paucity of models focusing on the regulation of the network of proteins that control the formation of different actin structures. Using a combination of in-vivo and in-vitro experiments together with a system of ordinary differential equations, we focused on a small number of well-characterized, interacting molecules involved in actin-dependent filopodia formation: the actin remodeler Eps8, whose capping and bundling activities are a function of its ligands, Abi-1 and IRSp53, respectively; VASP and Capping Protein (CP), which exert antagonistic functions in controlling filament elongation. The model emphasizes the essential role of complexes that contain the membrane deforming protein IRSp53, in the process of filopodia initiation. This model accurately accounted for all observations, including a seemingly paradoxical result whereby genetic removal of Eps8 reduced filopodia in HeLa, but increased them in hippocampal neurons, and generated quantitative predictions, which were experimentally verified. The model further permitted us to explain how filopodia are generated in different cellular contexts, depending on the dynamic interaction established by Eps8, IRSp53 and VASP with actin filaments, thus revealing an unexpected plasticity of the signaling network that governs the multifunctional activities of its components in the formation of filopodia. | 21814501
IRSp53 links the enterohemorrhagic E. coli effectors Tir and EspFU for actin pedestal formation. Weiss, SM; Ladwein, M; Schmidt, D; Ehinger, J; Lommel, S; Städing, K; Beutling, U; Disanza, A; Frank, R; Jänsch, L; Scita, G; Gunzer, F; Rottner, K; Stradal, TE Cell Host Microbe
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Actin pedestal formation by pathogenic E. coli requires signaling by the bacterial intimin receptor Tir, which induces host cell actin polymerization mediated by N-WASP and the Arp2/3 complex. Whereas canonical enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) recruit these actin regulators through tyrosine kinase signaling cascades, enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O157:H7 employ the bacterial effector EspF(U) (TccP), a potent N-WASP activator. Here, we show that IRSp53 family members, key regulators of membrane and actin dynamics, directly interact with both Tir and EspF(U). IRSp53 colocalizes with EspF(U) and N-WASP in actin pedestals. In addition, targeting of IRSp53 is independent of EspF(U) and N-WASP but requires Tir residues 454-463, previously shown to be essential for EspF(U)-dependent actin assembly. Genetic and functional loss of IRSp53 abrogates actin assembly mediated by EHEC. Collectively, these data indentify IRSp53 family proteins as the missing host cell factors linking bacterial Tir and EspF(U) in EHEC pedestal formation. | 19286134
Regulation of cell shape by Cdc42 is mediated by the synergic actin-bundling activity of the Eps8-IRSp53 complex. Disanza, A; Mantoani, S; Hertzog, M; Gerboth, S; Frittoli, E; Steffen, A; Berhoerster, K; Kreienkamp, HJ; Milanesi, F; Di Fiore, PP; Ciliberto, A; Stradal, TE; Scita, G Nat Cell Biol
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Actin-crosslinking proteins organize actin into highly dynamic and architecturally diverse subcellular scaffolds that orchestrate a variety of mechanical processes, including lamellipodial and filopodial protrusions in motile cells. How signalling pathways control and coordinate the activity of these crosslinkers is poorly defined. IRSp53, a multi-domain protein that can associate with the Rho-GTPases Rac and Cdc42, participates in these processes mainly through its amino-terminal IMD (IRSp53 and MIM domain). The isolated IMD has actin-bundling activity in vitro and is sufficient to induce filopodia in vivo. However, the manner of regulation of this activity in the full-length protein remains largely unknown. Eps8 is involved in actin dynamics through its actin barbed-ends capping activity and its ability to modulate Rac activity. Moreover, Eps8 binds to IRSp53. Here, we describe a novel actin crosslinking activity of Eps8. Additionally, Eps8 activates and synergizes with IRSp53 in mediating actin bundling in vitro, enhancing IRSp53-dependent membrane extensions in vivo. Cdc42 binds to and controls the cellular distribution of the IRSp53-Eps8 complex, supporting the existence of a Cdc42-IRSp53-Eps8 signalling pathway. Consistently, Cdc42-induced filopodia are inhibited following individual removal of either IRSp53 or Eps8. Collectively, these results support a model whereby the synergic bundling activity of the IRSp53-Eps8 complex, regulated by Cdc42, contributes to the generation of actin bundles, thus promoting filopodial protrusions. | 17115031