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Home>Events>6th Annual Bioplasma World Asia 2017
Conference Review

Reduce Patient Risk with Life-saving Plasma Therapies


Recently, an international group of plasma fractionators met at the 6th Annual Bioplasma World Asia Conference in Shanghai, China to discuss the latest developments in plasma-derived therapeutic production including manufacturing, regulatory affairs, and technical process innovations.

Affinity Resins for Removal of Anti-A and Anti-B Isoagglutinin

Renato Azevedo, Global Product Manager


Our technical presentation at the forum focused on the two newly launched, plasma-specific Eshmuno® P affinity chromatography resins and their effective removal of anti-A and anti-B isoagglutinins from plasma therapeutic feed streams. These resins significantly contribute to enhancing patient safety without negatively impacting process economics by reusing the resins for at least 200 cycles, with acid or alkaline cleaning, and without loss of performance.

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To learn more about our purification solutions in plasma-derived therapeutics, visit the Plasma Learning Center.