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Prostak™ Microfiltration Modules

Membrane-based separations device in Prostak™ Tangential Flow Filter (TFF) Systems.



Prostak™ microfiltration modules are tangential flow filtration devices in a stacked plate configuration with open feed channels. A microporous membrane, Durapore® polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), is bonded on both sides of each plate. The plates are then stacked in parallel forming stacks. Prostak™ microfiltration open-channel modules are available in four sizes: 2, 4, 10 and 20 stacks, making them applicable for bench-top, pilot, and production scale systems.

The modules can be integrity tested and steam sterilized for 20 cycles.

Prostak™ MF modules must be used with a support holder, which controls deflection and provides sanitary fittings for connection to external piping. Sanitary gaskets supplied with the module provide a leak-free connection between the module(s) and the holder.

Typical Applications

Prostak™ microfiltration is used for separations where viscosity and suspended solids levels of the feed stream require an open feed channel. They are typically used in perfusion applications or in the clarification/harvest of:

  • Mammalian, bacterial and mycelial cell suspensions
  • Emulsions and colloidal suspension
  • Viruses, proteins and other bio-organic macromolecular solutions
  • Polysaccharides and other high viscosity solutions
  • Yeast, algae, and other high solids suspensions
  • Protein precipitate
  • Vaccines