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109269 Larutan Papanicolaou 3d larutan polikromatis EA 65

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          Catalogue Number109269
          DescriptionPapanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65
          OverviewPapanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65 - for cytology, is a ready-to-use solution used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serve the purpose of the cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example, gynecological and clinico-cytological specimen materials. Papanicolaou’s technique is the most used staining procedure for cytological specimen is and is intended for the the staining of exfoliative cells in cytological specimens. In the first step, the cell nuclei are stained either progressively or regressively with a hematoxylin solution, (Hematoxylin solution modified Gill II, ( 105175), Papanicolaou’s solution 1a Harris hematoxylin solution, ( 109253) or Papanicolaou’s solution 1b Hematoxylin solution S, ( 109254)). Nuclei are stained blue to dark violet. In the progressive hematoxylin staining method, staining is carried out to the endpoint, after which the slide is blued in tapwater. With the regressive method the material is over-stained and the excess of staining solution is removed by acid rinsing steps, followed by the bluing step. The structures of nuclei are more differentiated and better visible by the regressive method. The second staining step is cytoplasmic staining by orange staining solution (Papanicolaou’s solution 2b Orange II solution, Cat. no. 1106887 or Papanicolaou’s solution 2a Orange G solution (OG6), Cat. no. 106888), especially for demonstration of mature and keratinized cells. The target structures are stained orange in different intensities. In the third staining step is used the so-called polychrome solution, a mixture of eosin, light green SF and Bismarck brown, (Papanicolaou’s solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31, ( 109271), Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50, ( 109272), Papanicolaou’s solution 3c polychromatic solution EA 65,( 109270), or Papanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65, ( The polychrome solution is used for demonstration of differentiation of squamous cells. Papanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65 gives a delicate, blue-green-pinkish staining result in clinical specimen material.
          The 100 ml bottle provides 300 - 400 stainings. It is registered as IVD and CE certified product and can be used for clinical diagnostics. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
          Product Information
          HS Code3212 90 00
          Quality LevelMQ400
          Applicationfor cytology
          Biological Information
          Physicochemical Information
          Density0.85 g/cm3 (20 °C)
          Flash point17 °C
          Materials Information
          Toxicological Information
          Safety Information according to GHS
          Hazard Statement(s)H225: Cairan dan uap amat mudah menyala.
          H317: Dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi pada kulit.
          H319: Menyebabkan iritasi mata yang serius.
          Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Jauhkan dari panas/percikan/api terbuka /permukaan yang panas. - Dilarang merokok.
          P233: Jaga wadah tertutup rapat.
          P240: Ardekan dan Ikat wadah dan peralatan penerima.
          P280: Kenakan sarung tangan pelindung/ pakaian pelindung/ pelindung mata/ pelindung wajah/ perlindungan pendengaran.
          P303 + P361 + P353: JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut): Tanggalkan segera semua pakaian yang terkontaminasi. Bilas kulit dengan air.
          P305 + P351 + P338: JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas dengan seksama dengan air untuk beberapa menit. Lepaskan lensa kontak jika memakainya dan mudah melakukannya.Lanjutkan membilas.
          P403 + P233: Simpan di tempat berventilasi baik. Jaga wadah tertutup kedap/rapat.
          Storage class3 Cairan mudah terbakar
          WGKWGK 2 membahayakan air secara signifikan
          Pelarut organik bebas halogen: wadah A
          Safety Information
          Categories of dangermudah terbakar
          Product Usage Statements
          Storage and Shipping Information
          StorageSimpan pada +15°C hingga +25°C.
          Packaging Information
          Transport Information
          Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1170 , 3, II
          Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1170 , 3, II
          Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1170 , 3, II
          Supplemental Information
          Suitability for microscopy (Vaginal smear)passes test
          Nucleiblue to dark violet
          Cyanophilic Cytoplasm (basophilic)blue-green to blue-grey
          Eosinophilic Cytoplasm (acidophilic)pink to red-violet
          Global Trade Item Number
          Catalogue Number GTIN
          1092690100 04022536112787
          1092692500 04022536112800

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          IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Cytology > Cytological Staining Reagents