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102419 Larutan pewarnaan minyak merah O

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      Botol plastik 250 ml
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      Catalogue Number102419
      DescriptionOil red O solution
      OverviewOil red O staining solution - for the detection of neutral lipids in cryosections - for microscopy, is ready-to-use staining solution that results in a brilliant, bright red staining of lipds (triglycerides), while the nuclei are counterstained blue with Hematoxylin solution acc. to Gill II ( 105175). Oil red O staining is used for the detection of neutral fat or polyethylene granula in e. g. histological tissues of human origin, in joint pathology or in cytological sample material. The stain is carried out on cryo sections of native tissue.
      Approx. 200 stains can be performed with one 250 ml bottle. This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
      Product Information
      HS Code3212 90 00
      Quality LevelMQ400
      Applicationfor the detection of neutral lipids in cryo sections for microscopy
      Biological Information
      Physicochemical Information
      Density0.838 g/cm3
      Flash point-11 °C
      Materials Information
      Toxicological Information
      Safety Information according to GHS
      Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Statement(s)H225: Cairan dan uap amat mudah menyala.
      H319: Menyebabkan iritasi mata yang serius.
      H336: Dapat menyebabkan mengantuk dan pusing.
      EUH066: Pendedahan berulang-kali dapat menyebabkan kulit kering atau pecah-pecah.
      Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Jauhkan dari panas/percikan/api terbuka /permukaan yang panas. - Dilarang merokok.
      P233: Jaga wadah tertutup rapat.
      P240: Ardekan dan Ikat wadah dan peralatan penerima.
      P241: Gunakan peralatan listrik/ ventilasi/ lampu yang tahan ledakan.
      P242: Gunakan hanya alat yang tidak memicu percikan api.
      P305 + P351 + P338: JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas dengan seksama dengan air untuk beberapa menit. Lepaskan lensa kontak jika memakainya dan mudah melakukannya.Lanjutkan membilas.
      P403 + P235: Simpan di tempat berventilasi baik. Jaga tetap dingin.
      Signal WordBahaya
      Storage class3 Cairan mudah terbakar
      WGKWGK 2 membahayakan air secara signifikan
      Safety Information
      Categories of dangermudah terbakar, mengiritasi
      Product Usage Statements
      Storage and Shipping Information
      StorageSimpan pada +15°C hingga +25°C.
      Packaging Information
      Transport Information
      Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1993 , 3, II
      Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1993 , 3, II
      Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1993 , 3, II
      Supplemental Information
      Suitability for microscopypasses test
      Lipidsbright red
      Global Trade Item Number
      Catalogue Number GTIN
      1024190250 04027269684518


      Larutan pewarnaan minyak merah O MSDS


      Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

      Larutan pewarnaan minyak merah O Certificates of Analysis

      Product Number PackagingSpecificationLot Number
      1024190250 Botol plastikPDF Specification Document