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          Catalogue Number101736
          OverviewOSTEOMOLL® - Solution for rapid decalcification (with fixation) for histology, is used for human cell diagnostics and serves to decalcify (demineralize) bone tissue (e. g. punched bone-marrow specimens) and other hard materials and to soften keratinized tissue of human origin, fixing the specimens in the same process.
          Decalcification is necessary for optical microscopic examinations of hard tissue in routine histological procedures. For the decalcification of sensitive, calcium-containing tissues, such as iliac crest biopsies, OSTEOSOFT® ( 101728) can be used. Its formulation is based on EDTA. Its pendant, OSTEOMOLL®, can be used for the decalcification of hard tissue such as teeth and bone as its formulation is based on formaldehyde and hydrochloric acid. The amount of OSTEOMOLL®needed is dependent upon on the size, type and thickness of the material. A 30 ml portion of OSTEOMOLL®, which should completely cover the material, can be used twice if the solution is still clear and not contaminated.
          The material must first be cut to a thickness of max. 5 mm and an area of ​​6 cm2 (= max. Embedding cassette size). Both solutions are color-coded, to distinguish them from each other, fixatives and solvents used in the histological laboratory. OSTEOSOFT® is color-coded yellow, OSTEOMOLL® is color-coded blue. Whereby OSTEOSOFT® preserves the antigen structures in the tissue, thus, an IHC analysis can be performed, OSTEOMOLL® will be used for tissues that are not destined for antibody analysis.
          Both decalcifiers can be used for clinical diagnostic purposes and in laboratory accreditation processes as they are certified and registered as IVD and CE product. The quantity of OSTEOMOLL® required is dependent on the size, type, and density of the respective material. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
          Product Information
          HS Code3824 99 92
          Quality LevelMQ400
          ApplicationSolution for rapid decalcification (with fixation) for histology
          Biological Information
          Physicochemical Information
          Density1.10 g/cm3 (20 °C)
          pH value1 (H₂O, 20 °C)
          Materials Information
          Toxicological Information
          Safety Information according to GHS
          Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
          Hazard Pictogram(s)
          Hazard Pictogram(s)
          Hazard Statement(s)H290: Dapat korosif terhadap logam.
          H302 + H332: Berbahaya jika tertelan atau bila terhirup.
          H314: Menyebabkan kulit terbakar yang parah dan kerusakan mata.
          H317: Dapat menyebabkan reaksi alergi pada kulit.
          H335: Dapat menyebabkan iritasi pada saluran pernafasan.
          H341: Diduga menyebabkan kerusakan genetik.
          H350: Dapat meyebabkan kanker.
          Precautionary Statement(s)P202: Jangan menanganinya sampai seluruh peringatan keamanan dibaca dan dipahami.
          P280: Kenakan sarung tangan pelindung/ pakaian pelindung/ pelindung mata/ pelindung wajah/ perlindungan pendengaran.
          P301 + P312: JIKA TERTELAN: Hubungi SENTRA INFORMASI KERACUNAN atau dokter/tenaga medis jika kamu merasa tidak sehat.
          P303 + P361 + P353: JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut): Tanggalkan segera semua pakaian yang terkontaminasi. Bilas kulit dengan air.
          P304 + P340 + P310: JIKA TERHIRUP: Pindahkan korban ke udara segar dan posisikan yang nyaman untuk bernapas. Segera hubungi SENTRA INFORMASI KERACUNAN atau dokter/tenaga medis.
          P305 + P351 + P338: JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas dengan seksama dengan air untuk beberapa menit. Lepaskan lensa kontak jika memakainya dan mudah melakukannya.Lanjutkan membilas.
          Signal WordBahaya
          Storage class6.1D Kat.3 toksik akut, tidak dapat terbakar / bahan berbahaya toksik atau bahan berbahaya yang menyebabkan efek-efek kronis
          WGKWGK 3 sangat berbahaya untuk air
          Senyawa karsinogenik dan senyawa yang dapat terbakar yang berlabel "Very Toxic" (Sangat beracun) atau "Toxic" (beracun) : kategori F. Alkil sulfat bersifat karsinogenik. Berhati-hatilah untuk menghindari penghirupan dan kontak dengan kulit. Untuk menghilangkan keaktifan alkil sulfat, tambahkan tetes per tetes (dari dalam corong tetes) ke dalam larutan amonia pekat dingin-es (Kat. No. 105426), dengan terus diaduk kuat. Sebelum ditempatkan di dalam kategori D, periksa pH dengan indikator pH universal (Kat. No. 105426).
          Safety Information
          Categories of dangerberbahaya, mengiritasi, karsinogenik, dapat meningkatkan kepekaan
          Product Usage Statements
          Storage and Shipping Information
          StorageSimpan pada +15°C hingga +25°C.
          Packaging Information
          Transport Information
          Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1789 , 8, II
          Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1789 , 8, II
          Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1789 , 8, II, Segregation Group: 1 (Acids)
          Supplemental Information
          Performance testpasses test
          Global Trade Item Number
          Catalogue Number GTIN
          1017361000 04022536929026
          1017362500 04027269233082

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          IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Histology > Auxiliaries for Histology
          IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Universal Reagents > Decalcification