Molecular and cellular evidence for the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) mechanism in chicken. O'Hare, TH; Delany, ME Cytogenetic and genome research
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Telomere maintenance is an important genetic mechanism controlling cellular proliferation. Normally, telomeres are maintained by telomerase which is downregulated upon cellular differentiation in most somatic cell lineages. Telomerase activity is upregulated in immortalized cells and cancers to support an infinite lifespan and uncontrolled cell growth; however, some immortalized and transformed cells lack telomerase activity. Telomerase-negative tumors and immortalized cells utilize an alternative mechanism for maintaining telomeres termed alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). This research explored evidence for the ALT pathway in chicken cell lines by studying nontransformed immortalized cell lines (DF-1 and OU2) and comparing them to a normal (mortal) cell line and a transformed cell line (DT40). The research consisted of molecular and cellular analyses including profiling of telomeric DNA (array sizing and total content), telomerase activity, and expression of genes involved in the telomerase, recombination, and ALT pathways. In addition, an immunofluorescence analysis for an ALT marker, i.e. ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia bodies (APBs), was conducted. Evidence for ALT was observed in the telomerase-negative immortalized cell lines. Additionally, the APB marker was also found in the other cell systems. The attributes of the chicken provide an additional vertebrate model for investigation of the ALT pathway. | 21822009