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101804 Uji Sel Klorida


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      Kotak EPS 25 tests
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      Catalogue Number101804
      OverviewThis Spectroquant® Chloride test allows the accurate quantification of chloride ions in various waters and waste water. Their concentration depends on geological factors and the general local situation.

      Within the test chloride ions react with mercury(II)-thiocyanate to mercury(II) chloride. The liberated thiocyanide reacts with iron ions to form a read complex. The method is analogous to EPA 325.1 and APHA 4500-Cl- E.

      All our Cell and Reagent Test Kits are equipped with the unique Live ID which allows seamless method recognition and contains essential information such as lot number, expiry date, and automatic calibration updates.

      The Spectroquant® Cell Tests come with prefilled 16 mm round cells as well as all the required reagents to perform the analysis according to the procedure described in the accompanying instruction leaflet.
      Product Information
      HS Code3822 19 00
      Quality LevelMQ100
      Biological Information
      Physicochemical Information
      Materials Information
      Toxicological Information
      Safety Information according to GHS
      Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Statement(s)H290: Dapat korosif terhadap logam.
      H302 + H332: Berbahaya jika tertelan atau bila terhirup.
      H311: Toksik jika terkena kulit.
      H314: Menyebabkan kulit terbakar yang parah dan kerusakan mata.
      H373: Dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada organ melalui paparan yang lama atau berulang.
      H410: Sangat toksik pada kehidupan perairan dengan efek jangka panjang.
      EUH071: Bersifat korosif terhadap saluran pernafasan.
      Precautionary Statement(s)P273: Hindarkan pelepasan ke lingkungan.
      P280: Kenakan sarung tangan pelindung/ pakaian pelindung/ pelindung mata/ pelindung wajah/ perlindungan pendengaran.
      P303 + P361 + P353: JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut): Tanggalkan segera semua pakaian yang terkontaminasi. Bilas kulit dengan air.
      P304 + P340 + P310: JIKA TERHIRUP: Pindahkan korban ke udara segar dan posisikan yang nyaman untuk bernapas. Segera hubungi SENTRA INFORMASI KERACUNAN atau dokter/tenaga medis.
      P305 + P351 + P338: JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas dengan seksama dengan air untuk beberapa menit. Lepaskan lensa kontak jika memakainya dan mudah melakukannya.Lanjutkan membilas.
      P314: Dapatkan nasehat/perhatian medis jika kamu merasa tidak sehat.
      Signal WordBahaya
      Storage class6.1C Kat.3 toksik akut, mudah terbakar / senyawa toksik atau senyawa yang menyebabkan efek-efek kronis
      Safety Information
      Product Usage Statements
      Storage and Shipping Information
      StorageSimpan pada +15°C hingga +25°C.
      Packaging Information
      Transport Information
      Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 3316 Chemie-Testsatz, 9, II
      Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 3316 CHEMICAL KIT, 9, II
      Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 3316 CHEMICAL KIT, 9, II
      Supplemental Information
      Global Trade Item Number
      Catalogue Number GTIN
      1018040001 04027269378554


      Uji Sel Klorida MSDS


      Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

      Uji Sel Klorida Certificates of Analysis

      Product Number PackagingLot Number
      1018040001 Kotak EPS


      101804 - Certificate of Quality Spectroquant Chloride Cell Test / Chlorid-Küvettentest / Test en cubetas Cloruros

      User Guides

      Analysenvorschriften und Anhänge - 1.73028
      Analytical Procedures and Annexes - 1.73028 - FR
      Metodi di analisi ed Appendici - 1.73028
      Méthodes d'analyse et Annexes - 1.73028