Using a new Lrig1 reporter mouse to assess differences between two Lrig1 antibodies in the intestine. Poulin, EJ; Powell, AE; Wang, Y; Li, Y; Franklin, JL; Coffey, RJ Stem cell research
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Lrig1 is an intestinal stem cell marker important for epithelial homeostasis. However, the position of the Lrig1(+) population in the intestinal crypt has been debated, largely due to discrepant staining patterns using two Lrig1 antibodies. Here, we set out to decipher the differences between these Lrig1 antibodies to clarify their use for Lrig1-related studies. We confirmed that the commercially available Lrig1-R&D antibody stained the bottom third of the colonic crypt, whereas an independently generated Lrig1-VU antibody recognized a subset of anti-Lrig1-R&D(+) cells. Biochemically, we found that anti-Lrig1-VU recognized a non-glycosylated form of Lrig1; in contrast, anti-Lrig1-R&D recognized both glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms of Lrig1. In addition, we generated a reporter mouse (Lrig1-Apple) as an independent readout of Lrig1 transcriptional activity. Flow cytometry of isolated colonic epithelial cells from Lrig1-Apple mice demonstrated anti-Lrig1-R&D recognized mostly RFP-hi cells, while anti-Lrig1-VU recognized cells that were largely RFP-mid. Of note, by qRT-PCR, Lgr5 was expressed in the RFP-hi population, but not in the RFP-mid population. We conclude that anti-Lrig1-R&D appears to recognize all Lrig1(+) cells, while anti-Lrig1-VU recognizes a subpopulation of Lrig1(+) cells. | 25460603
CDH1 is a specific marker for undifferentiated spermatogonia in mouse testes. Tokuda, M; Kadokawa, Y; Kurahashi, H; Marunouchi, T Biology of reproduction
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In the mammalian testis, spermatogenesis is initiated from a subset of stem cells belonging to undifferentiated type A spermatogonia. In spite of the biologic significance of undifferentiated type A spermatogonia, little is known about their behavior and properties because of a lack of specific cell surface markers. Here we show that CDH1 (previously known as E-cadherin) is expressed specifically in undifferentiated type A spermatogonia in the mouse testis. Histologic analysis showed that CDH1-positive cells had all the characteristics of undifferentiated type A spermatogonia. Whole-mount immunohistochemistry showed that CDH1-positive cells made clusters mainly comprising one, two, four, or eight cells. They survived after administration of the cytotoxic agent busulfan to mice, and then regenerated seminiferous epithelia. Transplantation experiments showed that only CDH1-positive cells had colonizing activity in the recipient testis. Our data clearly demonstrated that spermatogenic stem cells reside among undifferentiated type A spermatogonia, which express CDH1. | 17035642
Stage-specific expression of the Kit receptor and its ligand (KL) during male gametogenesis in the mouse: a Kit-KL interaction critical for meiosis. Vincent, S, et al. Development, 125: 4585-93 (1998)
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The Kit receptor and its ligand KL, which together constitute an essential effector at various stages of embryonic development, are both present during adult gametogenesis. In the testis, KL is expressed in Sertoli cells, and Kit in germ cells, starting at the premeiotic stages. A series of observations indicated previously a role in spermatogonia survival, without excluding a possible function at later stages. We identified a complex pattern of expression of the two components in the adult murine testis, suggestive of a role in the meiotic progression of spermatocytes. At stages VII-VIII of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, the time when spermatocytes enter meiosis, the membrane-associated form of KL extends on the Sertoli cell from the peripheral to the adluminal compartment of the tubule. We also found that the receptor is present on the surface of germ cells up to the pachytene stage. The availability of differentiated Sertoli cell lines, which express the KL protein and support part of the maturation of germ cells in coculture, allowed us to ask whether, in the in vitro reconstructed system, transit of spermatocytes through meiosis requires the Kit-KL interaction. Addition of a blocking monoclonal antibody against the Kit receptor (ACK2) inhibited extensively the appearance of haploid cells and the expression of a haploid-phase-specific gene (Prm1). Recognition of the supporting Sertoli cell by germ cells was not affected, indicating a requirement for the activity of the receptor for either entering or completing meiosis. Involvement of the membrane-associated form of the ligand was suggested by the observation that addition of the soluble form of KL was equally inhibitory. | 9778516