Ha bezárja ezt az ablakot, a rendszer csak akkor menti el a személyre szabott beállításokat, ha hozzáadta a kiválasztott tételt a bevásárlókosarához vagy a Kedvencekhez.
A MILLIPLEX® MAP eszköz bezárásához kattintson az OK gombra, illetve, ha vissza kíván térni a kiválasztott tételekhez, akkor a Mégse gombra.
Tervezze meg, és árazza be MILLIPLEX® MAP kit-jeit.
Széles termékválasztékunk olyan multiplex paneleket tartalmaz, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy Ön egy adott panelen belül kiválassza az igényeinek leginkább megfelelő analitokat. Egy külön lapon kiválaszthatja az előkevert citokin formátumot vagy egy single plex kit-et.
Válasszon állandó kit-eket, melyekkel felderítheti a teljes útvonalakat vagy folyamatokat. Saját kit-et is tervezhet: a mellékelt útmutatót követve válasszon single plex MAPmate™-eket.
Az alábbi MAPmate™-eket nem szabad együtt alkalmazni:
- Eltérő vizsgálati puffert igénylő MAPmate™-ek
- Foszfospecifikus és összes MAPmate™ párok, például összes GSK3β és GSK3β (Ser 9)
- PanTyr és aminosav-specifikus MAPmate™-ek, például foszfo-EGF receptor és foszfo-STAT1 (Tyr701)
- 1-nél több foszfo-MAPmate™ egyetlen célfehérjéhez (Akt, STAT3)
- GAPDH-t és β-tubulint nem lehet együtt alkalmazni panTyr-t tartalmazó kit-ekkel vagy MAPmate™-ekkel
Katalógusszám | A rendelés leírása | Menny./csomag | Lista |
MILLIPLEX® MAP kit-jének tervezéséhez először válasszon ki egy kívánt fajt, paneltípust vagy kit-et.
Faj |
Paneltípus |
Választott kit |
Mintatípus |
Szerkesztés |
Válasszon ki egy fajt | . |
Válasszon ki egy paneltípust | . |
Válasszon ki egy kit-et | . |
Válasszon ki egy mintatípust | Bizonyos paneleknél a minta típusa határozza meg, hogy az analitok milyen kombinációban választhatóak egy kit-be. |
Tervezzen saját kit-et vagy válasszon az általunk kínált használatra kész egy vagy több biomarkert tartalmazó panelekből.
Catalogue Number | Ordering Description | Qty/Pack | List |
Faj | |
Paneltípus | |
Választott kit | |
Mennyiség | Katalógusszám | A rendelés leírása | Menny./csomag | Listaár |
96-Well Plate |
Mennyiség | Katalógusszám | A rendelés leírása | Menny./csomag | Listaár |
Mennyiség | Katalógusszám | A rendelés leírása | Menny./csomag | Listaár |
48-602MAG | Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads | 1 Kit |
Következő lépésként tervezhet egy újabb kit-et, vagy választhat egy másik kész, standard kit-et, fizethet vagy bezárhatja a rendelést.
Abstract: Join us to learn about challenges faced with traditional expression systems and how a CHO cell line with the glutamine synthetase knock-out via ZFN provides benefits for fast, efficient cell line development with stable and high titer expression. CHO cells with their unique characteristics, represent the major expression system within the biopharmaceutical industry. However, one of the major challenges in cell line development is to identify those rare, high-producing clones in a huge population of non-expressing or low-expressing cell lines. This leads to laborious and time consuming cell line development processes. This webinar will educate the audience about challenges faced with traditional expression systems and how the CHO cell line with the glutamine synthetase knock-out via Zinc Finger Nucleases provides benefits for fast and efficient cell line development as well as stable and high titer expression. We will explore additional cell line engineering targets that can be modified to engineer a cell line that mitigates risks and removes bottlenecks throughout the biopharmaceutical process. In this webinar, you will learn:
Abstract: Every biopharma executive must make important decisions early in clinical development that will impact their molecule’s journey – and ultimately the success of their commercial strategy. The key to this success is to make the right decisions at the right time. In this webinar, our experts share some key considerations to help biopharmaceutical companies successfully advance a molecule from the laboratory to the clinic as quickly as possible without sacrificing product quality, process efficiency, or patient safety. To achieve this goal, companies must navigate the complexities associated with business planning, cell line development, process development, technology, and regulatory and risk assessment. In this webinar, you will learn:
Abstract: This webinar will provide a comprehensive, holistic assessment of the effects of Clarisolve® mPAA flocculation polymer pre-treatment upon clarification and subsequent downstream chromatography steps. Flocculation is a simple method to pre-clarify high density Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture feed streams, allowing for an efficient clarification process that would otherwise not be feasible using traditional depth filters. Clarisolve® mPAA polymer is a stimulus-responsive flocculation polymer that may provide a reduced dosing dependency and lower residual polymer levels when compared to other flocculants. Cell culture pre-treatment with Clarisolve® mPAA polymer followed by clarification using Clarisolve® 60HX depth filters, enables a significant increase of harvest throughputs and allows for a single clarification stage for these high-density feed streams. Furthermore, by eliminating the need for centrifugation, pre-treatment with Clarisolve® mPAA polymer allows for the implementation of a single-use clarification train.This webinar will review the efficacy of pretreatment with a range of Clarisolve® mPAA polymer concentrations upon the clarification and purification of a CHO cell culture feed stream. These results were compared to material prepared using conventional Millistak+® HC depth filtration media to deliver a comprehensive, holistic assessment of the effects of Clarisolve® mPAA polymer pre-treatment upon the clarification and subsequent downstream chromatography steps. In this webinar, you will learn more about:
Abstract: This webinar highlights regulations for plastic devices in pharmaceutical manufacturing, a risk-based approach to qualifying components, and the importance of regulatory documentation. The growing complexity of therapeutics and globalization are some of the factors leading to innovative manufacturing solutions. Thanks to their flexibility and ease of use, polymeric materials are being used more frequently in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. Consequently, the development and qualification of plastic components requires a purposeful implementation of a multifaceted regulatory guidance. However, the lack of regulations specific to plastics used in pharmaceutical manufacturing systems has led to considerable uncertainty. In this webinar, you will learn:
Session 1: 3:00 AM EST, 12 AM PST, 9 AM CET View your Time Zone start time
Register Now Session 2: 11:00 AM EST, 8 AM PST, 5 PM CET View your Time Zone start time
Register Now |
Abstract: This webinar will discuss appropriate quality attributes for different raw material uses, present strategies to support identification, selection and risk assessment of raw materials, and highlight the importance of regulatory documentation. Recent and continuing regulatory improvements require drug manufacturers to assess and mitigate risk throughout their entire processes. This includes raw materials used at every stage of manufacturing and clinical phases. Current regulatory guidelines and industry standards clearly define quality requirements for raw materials that are incorporated into, or used close to, final drug product, for example active ingredients and excipients. However, no such clear standards are defined for chemicals used earlier in the process, such as in upstream bioprocessing, early chemical synthesis stages, or clean-in-place. The absence of such standards presents a challenge to efficiently and effectively source raw materials with appropriate supply chain transparency and control, accompanied by the necessary supporting documentation. In this webinar, you will learn: