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100577 Víz

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Kulcsspecifikációk táblázata

CAS #Hill FormulaChemical FormulaMolar Mass
7732-18-5H₂OH₂O18.02 g/mol


KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
1005771000 Üvegpalack 1 l
1005772500 Üvegpalack 2.5 l
Catalogue Number100577
SynonymsDistilled water, Deionized water
OverviewSupraSolv® solvents for headspace gas chromatography are developed particularly for the analysis of residual solvents in drug substances, excipients and drug products according to ICH, Ph Eur and USP - SupraSolv® headspace solvents are tested for all residual solvents defined by the ICH.
Product Information
CAS number7732-18-5
Hill FormulaH₂O
Chemical formulaH₂O
Molar Mass18.02 g/mol
HS Code2853 90 10
Quality LevelMQ100
ApplicationWater for headspace gas chromatography SupraSolv®. CAS 7732-18-5, chemical formula H₂O.
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Boiling point100 °C (1013 hPa)
Density1.000 g/cm3 (3.98 °C)
pH value6.0 - 8.0 (H₂O, 25 °C) semleges
Vapor pressure23 hPa (20 °C)
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Egyéb folyadékok és szilárd anyagok
WGKNWG a vizeket nem veszélyezteti
Aqueous solutions: Container D.
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage+2°C és +30°C között tárolandó.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
Supplemental Information
residue on evaporation≤ 5 mg/l
Every residual solvent of class 1 acc. to ICH≤ 1 µg/g
Every residual solvent of class 2 acc. to ICH≤ 10 µg/g
Every residual solvent of class 3 acc. to ICH≤ 50 µg/g
Suitable as solvent for the analysis of residual solvents of ICH classes 1, 2 and 3 according to Ph Eur and USP.
Formic acid, acetic acid, N,N-dimethylacetamide, N,N-dimethy lformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide are not detected.
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
1005771000 04027269298784
1005772500 04027269298791

Kapcsolódó termékek és alkalmazások

Kapcsolódó termékek gyártója: Application Facete

Kapcsolódó termékek gyártója: Brand Facete


Analytics and Sample Preparation > Analytical Chromatography > Gas Chromatography GC > Solvents for Headspace Gas Chromatography, SupraSolv®
Reagents, Chemicals and Labware > Solvents > Solvents for Instrumental Organic Analysis > Solvents for Headspace Gas Chromatography, SupraSolv®