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108175 Timolftalein

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information

Kulcsspecifikációk táblázata

CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaMolar MassGrade Value
125-20-2204-729-7C₂₈H₃₀O₄430.54 g/molACS,Reag. Ph Eur


KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
1081750005 Üvegpalack 5 g
1081750025 Üvegpalack 25 g
1081750100 Üvegpalack 100 g
Catalogue Number108175
Product Information
CAS number125-20-2
EC number204-729-7
GradeACS,Reag. Ph Eur
Hill FormulaC₂₈H₃₀O₄
Molar Mass430.54 g/mol
HS Code2932 20 00
Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
Quality LevelMQ200
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Melting Point251 - 253 °C
Bulk density400 kg/m3
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Egyéb folyadékok és szilárd anyagok
WGKWGK 3 erősen vízszennyező
Relatively unreactive organic reagents should be collected in container A. If halogenated, they should be collected in container B. For solid residues use container C.
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage+2°C és +30°C között tárolandó.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Identity (UV/VIS-Spectrum)passes test
AppearanceWhite to almost white powder, eventually slightly yellowish.
Clarity of solution (1 g/l; ethanol)passes test
Absorption maximum λmax. (buffer pH 10.5)592 - 596 nm
Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λmax; 0.01 g/l; buffer pH 10.5; calculated on anhydrous substance)800 - 900
Transition rangepH 9.0 - pH 10.5 colourless - blue
Transition range (according to ACS)passes test
Transition interval (according Reag. Ph Eur)passes test
Loss on drying (110 °C)≤ 1 %
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
1081750005 04022536101224
1081750025 04022536101231
1081750100 04022536101248