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KMP2G10TH1 Milligard® PES Opticap® XL 10 1.2/0.2 µm nominal Capsule

1  Double easy open bag
Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberKMP2G10TH1
Trade Name
  • Milligard®
DescriptionMilligard® PES Opticap® XL 10 1.2/0.2 µm nominal Capsule
Product Information
Device ConfigurationCapsule
Housing MaterialPolypropylene (PP)
Maximum Differential Pressure, bar (psid)Forward: 5.5 bar (80 psi) at 4-25°C
1.7 bar (25 psi) at 80°C
Reverse: 1.4 bar (20 psi) at 25°C
European Pressure Equipment DirectiveEMD Millipore Corporation certifies that this product complies with the European Pressure Equipment Directive, 2014/68/EU of 15 May 2014. This product has been classified under Article 4 § 3 of the Directive 2014/68/EU. It has been designed and manufactured in accordance with sound engineering practice to ensure safe use. In compliance with Article 4 § 3 of the Directive 2014/68/EU, this product does not bear the CE mark.
Quality LevelMQ400
Biological Information
Bacterial EndotoxinsAqueous extraction contains <0.25 EU/mL per device as determined using the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test, meeting requirements of USP <85>, EP 2.6.14 and JP 4.01.
MediaMilligard® PES
SterilizationGamma irradiation up to 40 kGy and 3 wet autoclave cycles of 60 minutes at 123°C
Physicochemical Information
Pore Size1.2 / 0.2 µm
Inlet ConnectionSanitary Flange
Outlet ConnectionHose Barb
Bubble Point at 23 °C≥ 2700 mbar (39.2 psi) air with water
Indirect Food AdditiveAll component materials meet the FDA Indirect Food Additive requirements cited in 21 CFR 177-182 based on information provided by raw material suppliers.
Non-Fiber ReleasingDevices tested and meet requirements of USP <788> for large volume parenterals.
Length33.5 cm (13.2 in.)
Diameter10.7 cm (4.2 in.)
Filtration Area0.60 m² (6.4 ft²)
Device Size10 in.
Inlet Connection Diameter1.5 in.
Outlet Connection Diameter1.5 in.
Materials Information
  • Polyethersulfone (PES)
Device Material
  • Polyethersulfone
Support MaterialPolyester
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Material PackageDouble easy open bag
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
KMP2G10TH1 04061839737419