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108635 Kaiser-féle glicerinzselatin, fenolmentes

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KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
1086350100 Kartondoboz 100 g
Catalogue Number108635
DescriptionKaiser's glycerol gelatine
OverviewKaiser's glycerol gelatin - phenol-free for microscopy, is an aqueous, phenol-free mounting medium consisting of gelatine and glycerol, and is used primarily in the mounting of stained histology specimens (e. g. HEMATOGNOST Fe® - staining kit ( The pH of the product lies in the neutral range. Prior to use, the mounting medium is melted in the heating cabinet at approx. 40 °C and is dropped onto the specimen from the practical dropping bottle. The preservative phenol has been replaced with a proprietary compound that is more environmentally friendly. This affords the unique advantage of eliminating phenol fumes when the medium is heated before use. CE-certified, IVD aqueous mounting media developed specifically for use in histological applications is essential in the support of formal quality assurance programs to monitor staining performance in pathology laboratories. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Product Information
HS Code3824 99 92
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationphenol-free for microscopy
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Density1.117 - 1.120 g/cm3 (40 °C)
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Statement(s)H317: Allergiás bőrreakciót válthat ki.
Precautionary Statement(s)P261: Kerülje a por belélegzését.
P272: Szennyezett munkaruhát tilos kivinni a munkahely területéről.
P280: Védőkesztyű használata kötelező.
P302 + P352: HA BŐRRE KERÜL: Lemosás bő vízzel.
P333 + P313: Bőrirritáció vagy kiütések megjelenése esetén: orvosi ellátást kell kérni.
P362 + P364: A szennyezett ruhadarabot le kell vetni és újbóli használat előtt ki kell mosni.
Signal WordFigyelem
Storage class10 - 13 Egyéb folyadékok és szilárd anyagok
WGKWGK 1 enyhén vízszennyező
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage+15°C és +25°C között tárolandó.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Suitability for microscopypasses test
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
1086350100 04054839165610

Kapcsolódó termékek és alkalmazások

Kapcsolódó termékek gyártója: Application Facete


IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Histology > Auxiliaries for Histology
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Cytology > Auxiliaries for Cytology
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Histology > Clearing
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Bacteriology > Auxiliaries for Bacteriology
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Universal Reagents > Mounting
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Hematology > Auxiliaries for Hematology
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Universal Reagents > Auxiliaries for Microscopy
IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Universal Reagents > Embedding