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204873 Complement C1, Human

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KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
204873-200UG Muanyagampulla 200 μg
OverviewNative, human C1 complement component. C1 is the first component of the classical complement pathway. It is a calcium-dependent complex of C1q, C1r, and C1s subcomponents which are present in the C1 complex at molar ratios of 1:2:2, respectively. Binding of C1 to classical pathway activators results in the conversion of the proenzyme C1s subcomponent to an active C1s enzyme. C1s enzyme cleaves both C4 and C2 resulting in formation of the C3 cleaving enzyme, C4b, C2a, of the classical complement pathway. C1 concentration is based on functional activity measurements relative to a normal serum standard pool.
Catalogue Number204873
Brand Family Calbiochem®
ReferencesCooper, N.R. 1985. Adv. Immunol. 37, 151.
Ziccardi, R.J. and Cooper, N.R. 1977. J. Immunol. 118, 2047.
Product Information
FormulationIn 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM sodium acetate, 50 mM EACA, 25 µM NPGB, 10 mM benzamidine, 10 mM EDTA, 40% glycerol, pH 5.5.
Quality LevelMQ100
Biological Information
SourcePrepared from plasma of individuals that have been shown by certified tests to be negative for HBsAg and for antibodies to HIV and HCV.
Concentration Label Please refer to vial label for lot-specific concentration
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Ship Code Dry Ice Only
Toxicity Standard Handling
Storage ≤ -70°C
Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
Do not freeze Ok to freeze
Special InstructionsFollowing initial thaw, aliquot and freeze (-70°C).
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
204873-200UG 04055977219678


Complement C1, Human MSDS


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

Complement C1, Human Certificates of Analysis

TitleLot Number


Hivatkozások áttekintése
Cooper, N.R. 1985. Adv. Immunol. 37, 151.
Ziccardi, R.J. and Cooper, N.R. 1977. J. Immunol. 118, 2047.
Data Sheet

Note that this data sheet is not lot-specific and is representative of the current specifications for this product. Please consult the vial label and the certificate of analysis for information on specific lots. Also note that shipping conditions may differ from storage conditions.

Revision27-May-2008 RFH
DescriptionNative, human C1 complement component. C1 is the first component of the classical complement pathway. It is a calcium dependent complex of C1q, C1r, and C1s subcomponents which are present in the C1 complex at molar ratios of 1:2:2 respectively. Binding of C1 to classical pathway activators results in the conversion of the proenzyme C1s subcomponent to an active C1s enzyme. C1s enzyme cleaves both C4 and C2, resulting in formation of the C3 cleaving enzyme, C4b, C2a, of the classical complement pathway. C1 concentration is based on functional activity measurements relative to a normal serum standard pool.
FormulationIn 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM sodium acetate, 50 mM EACA, 25 µM NPGB, 10 mM benzamidine, 10 mM EDTA, 40% glycerol, pH 5.5.
Concentration Label Please refer to vial label for lot-specific concentration
SourcePrepared from plasma of individuals that have been shown by certified tests to be negative for HBsAg and for antibodies to HIV and HCV.
Storage Avoid freeze/thaw
≤ -70°C
Do Not Freeze Ok to freeze
Special InstructionsFollowing initial thaw, aliquot and freeze (-70°C).
Toxicity Standard Handling
ReferencesCooper, N.R. 1985. Adv. Immunol. 37, 151.
Ziccardi, R.J. and Cooper, N.R. 1977. J. Immunol. 118, 2047.