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151466 Chromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-4.6 HPLC columns Validation Kit (3 columns from 3 different batches)

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KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
1514660001 Kartondoboz 3 units
Catalogue Number151466
DescriptionChromolith® Performance RP-18 endcapped 100-4.6 HPLC columns Validation Kit (3 columns from 3 different batches)
OverviewAll Chromolith® columns are made of monolithic silica with a characteristic bimodal pore structure. Chromolith® 4.6mm columns have macropores with 2 µm diameter, giving a column efficiency exceeding 80,000 plates/meter. The mesopores are 13 nm (130 Å), the surface modification is octadecylsilan with full end-capping.
Product Information
HS Code9027 90 99
Quality LevelMQ100
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Egyéb folyadékok és szilárd anyagok
Storage and Shipping Information
Extent of testingpasses test
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
1514660001 04022536937816