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102488 Cellvento® Feed-210

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich



KatalógusszámCsomagolás Menny./csomag
1024880005 Muanyagpalack 408.01 g
1024880010 Muanyagpalack 816.02 g
1024880050 Muanyagdob 4.08 kg
Catalogue Number102488
Brand Family Cellvento®
OverviewCellvento® Feed-210 has been designed to support optimal cell growth and performance of CHO-DG44 or slow growing cell lines. The feed contains glucose and is lower concentrated than other Cellvento® feeds to avoid overfeeding. It requires supplementation with a cystein/tyrosine stock solution as described in the process guidance .
Product Information
HS Code3821 00 00
Quality LevelMQ500
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Egyéb folyadékok és szilárd anyagok
WGKWGK 2 jelentősen veszélyezteti a vizeket
Relatively unreactive organic reagents should be collected in container A. If halogenated, they should be collected in container B. For solid residues use container C.
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage+2°C és +8°C között tárolandó.
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
Global Trade Item Number
Katalógusszám GTIN
1024880005 04027269696115
1024880010 04027269684839
1024880050 04027269706920