Neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. I. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies. Ben-Barak, Y; Russell, JT; Whitnall, MH; Ozato, K; Gainer, H The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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Seven mouse monoclonal antibodies (IgGs) were produced against rat neurophysins (NPs). Three were specifically directed against vasopressin-associated NP (NP-AVP), and four were specific for oxytocin-associated NP (NP-OT). These specificities were observed in liquid phase assays, immunoblot, and immunoprecipitation experiments. Homozygous Brattleboro rat tissues and extracts, which do not contain vasopressin or NP-AVP, did not react with the anti-NP-AVP antibodies but reacted with high affinity to the anti-NP-OT antibodies. In immunoprecipitation assays the antibodies brought down the appropriate NPs as well as their precursor molecules synthesized in vivo with no detectable cross-reactivity. In solid phase assays where the antigens were presented in a different manner, there was a significant cross-reactivity of the anti-NP-AVP antibodies with NP-OT. The extent of this cross-reactivity in solid phase correlated with the cross-reactivities of the antibodies observed in immunocytochemical studies. These solid phase (and immunocytochemical) data demonstrated that liquid phase specificities and absorption controls of antibodies are inadequate to assess their immunocytochemical (solid phase) specificities. Posterior pituitary extracts from the mouse and frog, as well as purified NPs from the rat, cow, and human were studied for their cross-reactivities to two of the antibodies, PS 36 and PS 45. In liquid phase assays the anti-rat NP-OT antibody, PS 36, reacted only with rat and mouse NPs and did not cross-react with NPs from any of the other species. In contrast, the anti-rat NP-AVP antibody, PS 45, was cross-reactive across species lines including an NP-like antigen extracted from frog posterior pituitaries. Immunoblot staining with these antibodies showed heterogeneity of NP-AVP and NP-OT in the rat posterior pituitary. Analysis of the epitopes for PS 36 and PS 45 indicated the antigenic determinants were located near amino acid positions 80 to 81 in NP-OT and 75 to 86 in NP-AVP, respectively. | 3880813
Neurophysin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. II. Immunocytochemical studies of the ontogeny of oxytocinergic and vasopressinergic neurons. Whitnall, MH; Key, S; Ben-Barak, Y; Ozato, K; Gainer, H The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Kivonat megmutatása
Two anti-neurophysin monoclonal antibodies (MABs), PS 36 and PS 41, described in the preceding paper (Ben-Barak, Y, J.T. Russell, M.H. Whitnall, K. Ozato, and H. Gainer (1985) J. Neurosci. 5:000-000), allowed us to specifically stain for oxytocin-associated neurophysin (NP-OT) or vasopressin-associated neurophysin (NP-AVP) in the hypothalamus of developing rats. Staining with these MABs specific for NP-OT or NP-AVP showed that both types of neurophysin appeared in cells in the developing hypothalamus as early as embryonic day (E16) and continued to increase in immunoreactivity throughout fetal life. The literature indicated that oxytocin appears in the system between E20 and E22, much later than vasopressin (E16 to E17), which we confirmed in immunocytochemical experiments using affinity-purified antisera to these hormones. Since the MABs recognize the specific prohormones as well as the specific mature neurophysins (Ben-Barak, Y., J. T. Russell, M.H. Whitnall, K. Ozato, and H. Gainer (1985) J. Neurosci. 5: 81-97), we conclude that there is a developmental delay between the synthesis of the oxytocin prohormone (pro-oxyphysin) and its processing to form oxytocin and NP-OT. The delay in prohormone processing in the oxytocin cells was correlated with a delay in immunocytochemically detectable neurites as compared to the vasopressin cells. This reduced level of axonal and dendritic immunoreactivity was still obvious in the oxytocin cells at 9 days after birth. In contrast, the clustering of cells to form adult-like hypothalamic nuclei appeared to follow similar time courses for the two types of cells. Adult-like distributions of cells staining for NP-OT and NP-AVP were already apparent in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei by E17. | 3880814