Histone ADP-ribosylation facilitates gene transcription by directly remodeling nucleosomes. Martinez-Zamudio, R; Ha, HC Molecular and cellular biology
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The packaging of DNA into nucleosomes imposes obstacles on gene transcription, and histone-modifying and nucleosome-remodeling complexes work in concert to alleviate these obstacles so as to facilitate transcription. Emerging evidence shows that chromatin-associated poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) and its enzymatic activity facilitate inflammatory gene transcription and modulate the inflammatory response in animal models. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PARP-1 enzymatic activity facilitates transcription are not well understood. Here we show that through an intracellular signaling pathway, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation induces PARP-1 enzymatic activity and the ADP-ribosylation of histones at transcriptionally active and accessible chromatin regions in macrophages. In vitro DNase I footprinting and restriction endonuclease accessibility assays reveal that histone ADP-ribosylation directly destabilizes histone-DNA interactions in the nucleosome and increases the site accessibility of the nucleosomal DNA to nucleases. Consistent with this, LPS stimulation-induced ADP-ribosylation at the nucleosome-occupied promoters of il-1β, mip-2, and csf2 facilitates NF-κB recruitment and the transcription of these genes in macrophages. Therefore, our data suggest that PARP-1 enzymatic activity facilitates gene transcription through increasing promoter accessibility by histone ADP-ribosylation. | 22547677
Stem-loop binding protein expressed in growing oocytes is required for accumulation of mRNAs encoding histones H3 and H4 and for early embryonic development in the mouse. Daniel R Arnold,Patricia Françon,James Zhang,Kyle Martin,Hugh J Clarke Developmental biology
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Growing oocytes accumulate mRNAs and proteins that support early embryogenesis. Among the most abundant of these maternal factors are the histones. Histone mRNA accumulation and translation are mainly restricted to S-phase in somatic cells, and the mechanism by which oocytes produce histones is unknown. In somatic cells, replication-dependent histone synthesis requires the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). SLBP is expressed during S-phase, binds to the 3'-untranslated region of non-polyadenylated transcripts encoding the histones, and is required for their stabilization and translation. SLBP is expressed in oocytes of several species, suggesting a role in histone synthesis. To test this, we generated transgenic mice whose oocytes lack SLBP. mRNAs encoding histones H3 and H4 failed to accumulate in these oocytes. Unexpectedly, mRNAs encoding H2A and H2B were little affected. Embryos derived from SLBP-depleted oocytes reached the 2-cell stage, but most then became arrested. Histones H3 and H4, but not H2A or H2B, were substantially reduced in these embryos. The embryos also expressed high levels of gamma H2A.X. Injection of histones into SLBP-depleted embryos rescued them from developmental arrest. Thus, SLBP is an essential component of the mechanism by which growing oocytes of the mouse accumulate the histones that support early embryonic development. | 18036581
Histone H1 is released from myonuclei and present in rimmed vacuoles with DNA in inclusion body myositis. Satoshi Nakano, Akiyo Shinde, Kengo Fujita, Hidefumi Ito, Hirofumi Kusaka, Satoshi Nakano, Akiyo Shinde, Kengo Fujita, Hidefumi Ito, Hirofumi Kusaka Neuromuscular disorders : NMD
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To investigate myonuclear alterations in sporadic inclusion body myositis (s-IBM), we immuno-localized histones in muscles in 11 patients. The examination showed that vacuolar rims were frequently positive for histone H1. In triple-color fluorescence study, the H1-positive products were found on the inner side of an emerin-positive circle with DNA. Moreover, H1-positive materials appeared to be released into the cytoplasm in some vacuoles and myonuclei. The localization of H1 was different from phosphorylated Elk-1, which is a nuclear protein, but abnormally accumulated in the cytoplasm in s-IBM. The results strongly support the hypothesis that rimmed vacuoles are derived from the nucleus. The cytoplasmic H1-release suggests dysfunction of nuclear membranes in an early phase of the nuclear disintegration. We hypothesize that, in s-IBM muscles, compromised nuclear envelope may permit release of some nuclear components such as histone H1 and cannot facilitate the incorporation of others to the nucleus as in pElk-1. | 17888663
DNA CpG hypomethylation induces heterochromatin reorganization involving the histone variant macroH2A. Ma, Y; Jacobs, SB; Jackson-Grusby, L; Mastrangelo, MA; Torres-Betancourt, JA; Jaenisch, R; Rasmussen, TP Journal of cell science
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In mammalian heterochromatin, cytosine bases of CpG dinucleotides are symmetrically modified by methylation. Patterns of CpG methylation are maintained by the action of Dnmt1, the mammalian maintenance cytosine methyltransferase enzyme. We genetically manipulated the levels of CpG methylation and found that extensive chromatin alterations occur in pericentric heterochromatin. Homozygous mutations in Dnmt1 cause severe hypomethylation of pericentric heterochromatin and concomitant chromatin reorganization involving the histone variant macroH2A. Demethylation-induced alterations in macroH2A localization occur in both interphase and mitotic embryonic stem (ES) cells. Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) marks interphase pericentric heterochromatin (chromocenters). MacroH2A immunostaining in Dnmt1(-/-) cells becomes coincident with chromocenters detected by HP1 content. MacroH2A, but not HP1, is enriched in nuclease-resistant chromatin fractions extracted from Dnmt1(-/-) cells. Normal localization of macroH2A was restored upon reintroduction of a Dnmt1 transgene into Dnmt1(-/-) cells. MacroH2A localization was also affected in T-antigen-transformed fibroblasts subjected to the conditional mutation of Dnmt1. Together, these results suggest that pericentric heterochromatin can be maintained in the absence of CpG methylation, but in a significantly altered configuration. | 15784683