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Novagen® KOD Polymerase PCR Systems - (Novagen® KOD Polymerase PCR Systems)

Optimized for the most challenging samples or DNA templates

GF167 BMP-4 Protein, Human Recombinant - (BMP-4 Protein, Human Recombinant)

The Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (or BMP-4 protein) is a TGFβ superfamily ligand that is widely expressed from early embryogenesis through adulthood.

IF002 Interferon-γ Protein, Recombinant human - (Interferon-γ Protein, Recombinant human)

The Interferon-g protein (or IFN-gamma protein) is a lymphoid factor which possesses potent anti-viral activity.

Replacement Product
This product replaces IF3.


GF128 Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1α Protein, Recombinant mouse - (Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1α Protein, Recombinant mouse)

Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 alpha protein (or SDF-1 alpha protein) is a recently discovered protein belonging to the alpha chemokine (CXC) family of cytokines.

IL017 Interleukin-6 Protein, Recombinant mouse - (Interleukin-6 Protein, Recombinant mouse)

The recombinant mouse Interleukin-6 protein (or IL-6 protein) is a potent lymphoid cell growth factor which affects B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes & hybridoma cells.

IL038 Interleukin-1β Protein, Recombinant human - (Interleukin-1β Protein, Recombinant human)

The recombinant human Interleukin-1beta protein (or IL-1beta protein) is a potent immuno-modulator which mediates a wide range of immune & inflammatory responses including the activation of B & T-cells.

GF029 Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, recombinant - (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, recombinant)

The recombinant BDNF protein is a potent neurotrophic factor which supports the growth & survivability of nerve and/or glial cells.

GF166 BMP-2 Protein, Human Recombinant - (BMP-2 Protein, Human Recombinant)

The Human Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (or BMP-2 protein) is a member of the BMP protein subgroup of the TGFβ superfamily.

GF116 Hepatocyte Growth Factor Protein, Recombinant human - (Hepatocyte Growth Factor Protein, Recombinant human)

The Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor (or HGF protein) is also known as Scatter Factor & Hepatopoeitin A.

GF305 IFN- γ Protein, Human Recombinant Animal Free - (IFN- γ Protein, Human Recombinant Animal Free)

The Interferon gamma (or IFN-γ protein) is an acid-labile interferon produced by CD4 & CD8 T lymphocytes as well as activated NK cells. Manufactured using all non-animal reagents.