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Silica Gel - A Powerful Drying Agent for Many Applications

Silica Gel - Drying AgentSilica gel from Merck is a powerful drying agent suitable for drying practically all gases and liquids. It can thus be used in a wide range of applications, for instance in desiccators packed drying towers, for protecting moisture-sensitive substances during storage and transport or for maintaining the dryness of anhydrous solvents.

Silica gel has a high adsorptive capacity for moisture, and its performance is practically temperature-independent up to approx. 65°C. Another advantage of silica gel is its ease of use and disposal thanks to its high chemical inertness and non-toxicity. 

In addition to white silica gel as granulates in different sizes or beads, Merck also provides self-indicating silica gel with iron salt moisture indicator in beaded or granular form.

Catalog Number Catalog Name
101905 干燥用硅胶 - (Silica gel)
101969 含指示剂硅胶(橙色硅胶) - (Silica gel with indicator (orange gel),)
101972 硅胶干燥剂(含指示剂) - (Silica gel with moisture indicator (brown gel))
107735 硅胶 - (Silica gel)
101907 干燥用硅胶 - (Silica gel)
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