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Vantage® A2 Chromatography Columns

Ideally suited for development, pilot or small scale production purification within the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.




Vantage® A2 Columns清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
87006001Vantage® A2 Column VA 60 x 500 TPX-PP 显示价格及库存情况
87009001Vantage® A2 Column VA 90 x 500 TPX-PP 显示价格及库存情况
87013001Vantage® A2 Column VA 130 x 500 TPX-PP 显示价格及库存情况
87018001Vantage® A2 Column VA 180 x 500 TPX-PP 显示价格及库存情况
87025001Vantage® A2 Column VA 250 x 500 TPX-PP 显示价格及库存情况


Column Stand*清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
87006013Vantage® A2 Chrom Stand 60 显示价格及库存情况
87009013Vantage® A2 Chrom Stand V90 显示价格及库存情况
87013013Vantage® A2 Chrom Stand V130 显示价格及库存情况
87018013Vantage® A2 Chrom Stand V180 显示价格及库存情况
87025013Vantage® A2 Chrom Stand V250 显示价格及库存情况


Column Tube Extension Kit清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
87006005Vantage® A2 Tube Extension Kit 60 x 500 显示价格及库存情况
87009005Vantage® A2 Tube Extension Kit 90 x 500 显示价格及库存情况
87013005Vantage® A2 Tube Extension Kit 130 x 500 显示价格及库存情况
87018005Vantage® A2 Tube Extension Kit 180 x 500 显示价格及库存情况
87025005Vantage® S2 and A2 Tube Extension Kit 250 x 500 显示价格及库存情况


12-month Service Kit清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
87006023Vantage® A2 12-month Tube Service Kit V60 显示价格及库存情况
87009023Vantage® A2 12-month Tube Service Kit V90 显示价格及库存情况
87013023Vantage® A2 12-month Tube Service Kit V130 显示价格及库存情况
87018023Vantage® A2 12-month Tube Service Kit V180 显示价格及库存情况
87025023Vantage A2® 12-month Tube Service Kit V250 显示价格及库存情况


Air Pack Controller清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
87000001Vantage® A2 Air Pack Controller APC 显示价格及库存情况




When I buy a column, what do I need to order?With the exception of the Vantage A columns, all other column types come as a complete assembly. The Moduline Pilot columns include fittings and tube assemblies to connect to the column.

Moduline production and engineered columns are supplied with triclamp type fittings only. Tubing and additional fittings can be supplied as optional items. The Vantage S columns include fractional triclamp fittings, tubing is not supplied.

When purchasing the Vantage A column, the column stand and the APC-1 (the air pack controller), are purchased separately. The Vantage A column comes with fractional triclamp fittings; tubing is not supplied. For each column there are recommended lists of spare parts. Suggested spares to have on hand for Vantage columns are the DFC Kit (disposable flow cell).
What is the pore size of the bed supports for your different style chromatography columns? Are other pore sizes available?For Moduline columns the standard porosity for the bed supports are 30 micron polyethylene sinter or 10 micron SST mesh.
For customer engineered columns stainless steel mesh (Poristar) is available in 20 micron or 10 micron size as well as 30 micron polyethylene sinter. Vantage bed supports are 15 micron polypropylene, other porosities are not available.
What is the material of construction of the bed supports? Are other materials available?For Moduline columns the standard bed supports material are 30 micron polyethylene sinter or 10 micron SST mesh, (Poristar) .
For customer engineered columns 30 micron polyethylene sinter as well as 10 or 20 micron stainless steel mesh are available.
Vantage bed supports are 15 micron polypropylene.