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MultiScreenHTS真空多联装置与96-和384-孔MultiScreenHTS过滤板以及MultiScreen Solvinert和Solvinert深孔过滤板配用。清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MSVMHTS00MultiScreenHTS 真空多联装置
  • 包含多联底座、标准轴环、垫圈、垫圈插块、所有导管、阀门和真空表
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用于MultiScreenHTS真空多联装置的转接头清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MSVMHTS0D深孔环管 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS0H轴环支架,用于自动化 1 显示价格及库存情况


更换件清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MSVMHTS04替换垫圈 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS06开/关阀 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS10控制阀 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS07真空调节阀 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS08带垫圈的标准轴环 1 显示价格及库存情况
MSVMHTS09替换管,10 英尺(3 米) 1 显示价格及库存情况


配用标准MultiScreen(传统)过滤板的MultiScreen真空多联装置清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MAVM0960RMultiScreen™ 真空多联装置,96 孔
  • 包含多联底座、带衬垫的标准支撑框、支撑栅网、所有导管、阀门和真空表
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真空泵配件清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
SLFG05010Millex-FG 过滤器,0.20 µm,疏水性 PTFE,50 mm 10 显示价格及库存情况
WP6110060Chemical Duty 泵,100 V/50–60 Hz 1 显示价格及库存情况
WP6111560Chemical Duty 泵,115 V/60 Hz 1 显示价格及库存情况
WP6122050Chemical Duty 泵,220 V/50 Hz 1 显示价格及库存情况


收集板清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MSCPNPS0096 孔收集板,无色,非无菌 非无菌 100 显示价格及库存情况
MSCPNPP0096 孔 V型底收集板 非无菌 100 显示价格及库存情况
MSCPNUV4096 孔 MultiScreenHTS 收集板,用于 UV 分析,非无菌 非无菌 40 显示价格及库存情况
MDCPN2M5096 孔 MultiScreen 深孔接收板,聚丙烯 非无菌 50 显示价格及库存情况


密封胶带清除排序和过滤条件 Show Filter
MATAHCL00MultiScreen 密封胶片,无色,非无菌 非无菌 100 显示价格及库存情况




Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Antibodies to 23 Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides
Raymond Biagini, Sonela Schlottmann, Deborah Sammons, Jerome Smith, John Snawder, Cynthia Striley, Barbara MacKenzie, and David Weisssman
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology September 2003, p 744-750, Vol. 10, No. 5  2003

A non-radiolabelled ferriprotoporphyrin IX biomineralisation inhibition test for the high throughput screening of antimalarial compounds.
E. Deharo, R. N. Garcia, P. Oporto, A. Gimenez, M. Sauvain, V. Jullian and H. Ginsburg
Experimental Parasitology 100 (4): 252-256  2002

Use of Multiscreen plates for the preparation of bacterial DNA suitable for PCR
Reek FH, Smits MA, Kamp EM, Smith HE
Biotechniques. 1995 Aug;19(2):282-5  1995

High-Throughput Microplate Format for Producing and Screening Riboprobes from Bacterial Cells
Matthews, P.D. and Wurtzel, E.T.
BioTechniques. 18: 6, 1000 – 1004  1995

Nucleic Acid Purification and Concentration


Can I alcohol sterilize my Multiscreen Manifold and Plates?Note: This procedure does not work for the nitrocellulose based membrane plates such as HATF. (For use on: Durapore PVDF, Biopore, and glass fiber filters).

MultiScreen Alcohol Sterilization Protocol
Additional Materials Required:
1. 70% Reagent grade ethanol (with NO added denaturation agents)
2. Suitable sterile support or container to place the plate(s) inside or alternatively on for incubation. A sterile material such as a lid can be used, although the support trays supplied with pre-sterilized MultiScreen plates are ideal.
3. Sterilized water or buffer.
4. Sterilized (5x9” or 4x6”) gauze or sponges for blotting the underdrain.

Procedure (To be performed in Laminar flow hood under aseptic conditions):
1. Thoroughly rinse, fill, and expose all surfaces of the Vacuum manifold to 70% Alcohol and incubate 5-15 minutes. Turn on vacuum to remove excess alcohol.
2. Place MultiScreen plate to be sterilized on top of the vacuum manifold and completely fill with 70% alcohol. Be careful to expose all surfaces to the alcohol and allow to incubate 5-15 minutes. Additional plates can be sterilized by placing on a lid or other suitable object during incubation.
3. Turn on vacuum to remove excess alcohol, tip plate to drain excess alcohol into vacuum manifold, blot on sterilized pad, and place on lid to air dry overnight in laminar flow hood.
4. Turn on vacuum and remove all of the alcohol, add sterilized water to inside of manifold to remove residual alcohol. Allow entire unit such as the steel support and gasket to air dry under the hood with the top removed. The manifold can be stored in the hood and used as required.

Note: The MultiScreen lids can also be sterilize by this procedure.

1. Do not allow alcohol to remain inside vacuum manifold, it should be rinsed each day with sterile water.
2. This procedure does not work for the nitrocellulose based
I broke the tubing adapter on my MultiScreen manifold. Is there a replacement part?Yes, this piece can be purchased as part of the Repair Kit, catalog # MAVMXXA03. It's important to point out that in many cases a broken adapter result from improperly cared for manifolds. Always rinse manifold with water after its use in an assay (especially TCA precipitation assays).
What plates can be used with the MultiScreen HTS manifold (Catalogue number MSVMHTS00)?All MultiScreen HTS platform filter plates, Solvinert and Solvinert Deep Well plates can be used with the HTS manifold.
Can the classic MultiScreen plates be run on the HTS manifold?Only in filter to waste mode. The HTS plates should be used with the HTS manifold for the most benefit.
Can the MultiScreen HTS manifold be used with Millipore's genomics application plates (plamid prep, pcr cleanup, sequence reaction clean up)?Filter to waste modes work, but not filtrate collection, so using the clearing plate with the plamid plate will not work. Millipore's genomics plates have not been validated on the HTS manifold. Please contact technical service for more information at 1-800-645-5476.
If using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, when do I have to use the droplet trap array?The droplet trap array should be used when filtering a 384 well plate to waste.
If the deep well collar sold with the MultiScreen HTS manifold or is it sold seperately?The deep well collar is sold as an accessory to the MultiScreen HTS manifold; it does not come with the manifold. The catalogue number is MSVMHTS0D.
When using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, can I filter to waste when using a shallow well plate?Yes. The classic grid should be in place for removeable underdrain HTS plates or the collar gasket frame should be in place for Solvinert plates.
When using the MultiScreen HTS vacuum manifold, can I filter to waste when using a deep well plate?Yes. The deep well plate should be placed on top of the manifold collar with the clear gasket support installed.
When using the MultiScreen HTS manifold, how can I test to see if the manifold is properly installed and/or that I have enough vacuum for my application?The easiest way to test the manifold and/or set vacuum pressures is to put the collar on the base with nothing inside and place a collection (plastic bottom) plate on the top. You can now adjust the vacuum to the desired level.